And slowly days started to pass. The next day  6 of us roamed around the village. And the other day we visited Vaidhehis and priyas school. I still remember how sad she Was. She hugged me and cried. Priya was so happy

But that's not the thing.... between her village , grandma and me she forgot to take time for her husband. I used to roam around her to talk to her but she always kept herself busy. She slept late and woke up early. So I couldn't spend so much time on her.

Tomorrow is the last day of festival and we are gathered in her terrace. We could see the thousand stars and the moon Shone brightly.  I looked at my wife who giggled with the kids of this house. I sighed.

"Bro. All okay?" Vikram asked and I nodded. But he looked tensed.

"What happened. You look tensed Vikram." I asked. He shook his head

After few minutes he got up. Everyone looked at him. He cleared his throat and looked at renu.

"Hi...since everyone is gathered around. And since everyone is happy. I have to say something really important" he said nervously. I looked at Vaidhehi and raised my eyebrows. She shook her head. Even she has no idea

" I... I.. Love Renu. I would like to marry her" he said making everyone gasp. I looked at renu shocked and she blushed heavily. I saw amma appa beaming in happiness. Vikrams parents and even Vaidhehis parents were also happy.

I immediately got up that made Vikram worried. I walked to him and grabbed him for a tight hug.  He hugged me back. Everyone clapped. Vikram smiled at me

"Thanks bro"

Renu cried With tears. She ran to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

That whole night. Priya and Vaidhu was with renu. Teasing and passing jokes on her.

The next day when I came out from our room I saw my wife coming towards me with a coffee.

"Thank God" I try to grab the coffee from her.

"Thank God" I try to grab the coffee from her

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"No no

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"No no. This is not for you" she said.

"Then?" I asked

"This is for Vikram" she said giggling.

"Yeah of course. You have time for everyone other than your poor husband right. Go..." I said making way for her. She suddenly looked worried

"Aditya. I know youre angry with me. I know I couldn't spend some time with you" she said. I smiled at her and held her hands

"It's okay Vaidhu. I know how happy youre" I said and she smiled

"Today's is our last day over here right. So I have a small surprise for you" I said

"Surprise?" She asked smiling and I nodded

" I have a surprise for you too" she said and I pinned her to wall. She gasped

"Aditya what are you doing. Someone will come" she said worried looking around

"I'm your husband wifey" i brushed her nose with mine and she closed her eyes tightly. I brought my lips closer her

"Appa" she shouted. I immediately looked around worried. She laughed , pushed me away and ran away. I smiled scratching my nape. Todays night will be the best one in your life vaidhu.


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Precap  -  The special night

Precap  -  The special night

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