Part 3: Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"Anytime. Now get to bed; You'll need your rest."

The next day, Athena walked down to the quidditch pitch where the finals would take place with her head held high. She entered the crowded locker room and took a seat next to a very pale Lyra.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not sure my intelligence will be enough to carry me through this time."

"Why would you say that? You know like every spell ever invented. Including the pretty  complex ones that mum discovered."

"Knowing them is one thing. Executing is completely different. I'm not a great dueler," she replied, lowering her gaze to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me before now?! You know I'm in the dueling club!"

"I was afraid you would be ashamed because I'm not good at it."

Athena respond to her sister because Hermione entered the locker room to give them their instructions.

"Hello all! I hope you are all excited for the final phase of the competition! We will be starting in just a few moments. You all will compete in a randomized order out on the quidditch pitch. A few reminders: You duel to disarm your opponent, NOT to injure. You are forbidden from using any of the unforgivable curses, obviously. Use of those will result in your immediate expulsion and possibly further punishment from the ministry. The winners of the duels will go on to represent Hogwarts at the international competition. Any questions?"

When no one responded, she spun on her heel and exited the locker room once more.

Athena turned quickly to her sister. "Lyra. Use your defensive spells exclusively until your opponent tires. Look for a window, and use expelliarmus. Be confident. You'll be fine."

She squeezed Lyra's hand and walked over to her assigned seat to mentally prepare herself for what was coming.

The sixth years went first. Rose Weasley was defeated swiftly by a Slytherin girl named Brittany Joseph. The fourth years were then called and again, it was a short duel as Lily demolished Mohamed Seif. The third years followed and then it was time for the fifth years.

Athena took a deep breath and followed Seamus onto the pitch. Jason Dursley was on the other side with a determined look in his eyes. Athena took in her surroundings. The stands were filled to capacity with students and spectators from all across wizarding Britain. The noise was deafening. She took a deep breath and drowned it all out, focusing only on her goal of defeating Jason.

She approached Jason and Madame Hooch, who instructed them to shake hands. They each walked 5 paces in opposite directions before turning to face each other and bowing.

"Wands at the ready!" Madame Hooch called.

Athena raised her wand with a dangerous glint in her eyes and a smirk on her face that gave Jason slight pause.

"1, 2,3 duel!"

"Impedimenta!" Jason shouted.

Athena blocked his spell easily and fired back a silent leg locker curse. Jason stumbled but was able to send another spell her way which she deflected. The leg locker curse wore off and Jason advanced, firing spell after spell, each of which Athena calmly blocked. This went on for awhile; Athena playing strong defense while Jason continued to attack with gusto.

After blocking a rather strong jelly legs jinx, Athena looked up to see a flustered Jason, panting in front of her. Her wide smile angered him.

"Sectumsempra!" he shouted angrily.

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