"Where's Dec? Is he okay?"

Ant glanced around, as if only just noticing that his friend wasn't with them, but Bob knew better - and he knew that Ant knew exactly what was going on when he saw the sudden dawn of understanding in his eyes.

"He's probably gone off by himself for a bit" Ant explained, voice turning almost sad. At Bob's questioning look, he sighed heavily and his hands started twiddling in his lap.

"He's had a tough year, has our Declan, and he's probably just gone off to be alone for a bit" he added, but Bob could tell that he wasn't giving all of the details.

"In what way? Did something happen to him?"

Ant bit his lip, taking a few seconds before he whispered in Bob's ear - as if keen for Steve and Chris not to hear.

"His dad passed away back in August; poor kid's still not really come to terms with it."

Understanding - and a degree of sympathetic sadness - filled Bob's expression as he gave a quiet "Ah" in response.

Pulling back a little, Ant let out another sigh.

"He gets a bit funny whenever someone starts talking about family at the moment, especially about dads" he continued, rubbing a hand through his hair tiredly. "He's still pretty emotional and upset about it - although he does a good job of hiding it."

Bob frowned sadly, remembering his own emotional turmoil when he'd lost his own parents years ago. It was something that no child ever wanted to experience, yet they knew was inevitable at some stage, but that didn't make them any better prepared for it.

"Has he talked to you about it?" he asked quietly, also keen for Steve and Chris not to hear.

Ant shook his head, "Not since it first happened" he answered, eyes flickering up to Bob's. "He used to talk to me about it whenever it got too much, but now when I try to get him to talk, he just changes the subject or walks away. I don't want to push him, but I hate seeing him like this - I just wish I could do something."

Bob let his hand rest on Ant's shoulder, squeezing it gently as he stood up.

"Let me try" he suggested, before adding "I think I have a fairly good idea of where he's gone....."


About two hundred metres from the tree-house, and just off the main trail, was a secret path that led down to a tranquil bubbly creek beside a small waterfall. It was wonderfully shaded by the canopy above, and the sounds of the bush were mysteriously muffled here - as if the space was a cathedral, one couldn't help but whisper here. Soft rays of sunlight shone through the leaves of the gum trees above, and dappled across the cheery waves of the creek as the water bounced joyfully over the rocks and dashed around the twists and bends of the creek-bed.

It was a very secret place, one that Dec had discovered a few years ago, and he made a habit of coming here whenever he needed some time alone or he needed to clear his head.

Currently, he was perched on a large rock, dipping his toes in the cool water and relishing the playful tickle as it brushed past. The sensation was almost a comfort to his torn heart and fragile emotions, and he craved it.

He hated that he couldn't even hear about someone talking about their own father without getting emotional now. He'd hoped that it would get better - everyone said it was supposed to get better with time, but he knew that was a load of bollocks. It had been nearly three months and it still hurt just as much as it had the day his father had died.

Giving an angry sniffle as his throat and eyes stung, Dec threw the pebble he was currently fiddling with into the creek, satisfied at the wet 'plonk' it made as it splashed in.

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