Chapter 19- The Interrogation

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Eren's POV

We sat down in front of James as he placed down a pile of paper and got a pen out. My hands started to shake as the door opened and another officer and Jean came in. My breathing increased and Levi must have realised as he grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly whilst smiling at me. I calmed down a bit as he sat next to James.

''Right Mr Yeager, Ackerman and Kirstein let's get this started.'' He looked at Jean. ''Mr Kirstein do you admit to assaulting Mr Yeager which caused his coma?'' I flinched at the last part.

''Yes... I admit and I'm sorry for my act-'' He was cut off by Levi standing up and bashing the table.

''Sorry isn't good enough!''

''Mr Ackerman please calm do-''

''Nohe took the only one I have loved from me for two years! He deserves death youmade Eren's life a misery!'' I hated it when people shouted. My heart was goingwild and I couldn't breathe. 

Levi's POV    

I heard panting coming from Eren. 'Shit he hates shouting'. I quickly turned around to embrace him rubbing my hand up and down and back telling him breathe. Eventually his breathing returned to normal.

''Sorry for shouting baby I didn't mean to frighten you.''

''It's fine Levi you're angry I understand.'' I smiled at him and sat back down still holding his hand tightly.

''Right now that's over let's get back to work. Mr Kirstein you have admitted to assaulting Mr Yeager and you are sentenced to 15 years in jail with no chance of parole.''

''Wait! What!?! I didn't mean to do it what are my charges?''

''Multiple counts of assault, attempted murder, previous drug use and your criminal record from theft.'' Jean was stunned as an officer took him out of the room and we were told we could leave.

Time Skip

When we got home me and Eren agreed to watch Netflix in our room. At the moment we're cuddling in our boxers watching the third season of American Horror Story. I felt Eren shift slightly and looked down to see him sleeping peacefully. I turned off the TV and kissed him on the forehead before drifting off to sleep. I hope we can stay like this forever.

My Ocean Eyed Angel || Eren x LeviNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ