Chapter 10- Teacher and Student

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A/N: My Best Friend read my last chapter and told me to update again so here you goooooo! Enjoy:)


Levi's POV

By the time we fell asleep it was around 2 am so we got like 5 hours sleep. I was woken up by Eren shuffling in his sleep and his ocean eyes fluttering open.

''Good morning beautiful.''

''Mhm...morning Levi.''

He sat up and rubbed his eyes yawning as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

''Let's go get something to eat'' He hummed in response and I got up and began walking to the door. I stopped when I heard a grunt from Eren and turned around to see him clutching his hip with a pained expression. I rushed over to him to help him stand ending up carrying him into the kitchen bridal style. I sat him down at the dining table wincing when he made contact with the chair I gave him a look of sympathy and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for him.

Eren's POV

As Levi placed me down on the chair I felt pain shot through my ass making me wince. He smiled at me and went into the kitchen. I heard a door open and looked up to see where the sound came from to be greeted with Hanji's crazy face right in front of me. I jumped when I saw her causing her to chuckle and back up.

''How was last night Eren~?''

''I-I don't know what you talking about...''

''Aww don't be shy we heard everything!'' She heard us? Damn it...

''So who topped?!''

I saw the door to the guest room open in the corner of my eye and saw Erwin sigh and walk toward Hanji and me.

''Good morning Eren.'' I hummed as a way of saying good morning back. Hanji sat down in front of me and Erwin next to her. ''And I think we already know the answer to that Hanji.''

''Oh do we Erwin?''

''Yes one Levi always tops he's the dominant and protective type; it's just his nature. Two Eren's holding his hips and winces every time he moves.''

''Well aren't you a perceptive one Erwin.'' I turned to the owner of the voice to see Levi standing in the doorway to the kitchen; holding a plate in his hands and glaring at Erwin. What? When did he get here? He sighed and walked towards me setting a plate of pancakes in front of me. I smiled at him as he sat down and started to eat.

''So how long are you two staying Erwin?''

''Well we plan on leaving after breakfast.''

''Aww but I wanted to ask questions about last night!'' A light blush brushed over my cheeks as Levi sighed put his hand onto my thigh really closed to my crotch.

''We fucked. I topped and it was great.'' I blushed even more than I already was and slightly chocked on the pancake in my mouth earning a concerned look from Levi.

''Does that answer all your questions?''

''Well n-'' Before Hanji could continue Levi cut her off,

''Good now please leave.'' He pointed to door indicating for them to leave.

''Come on Hanji you wouldn't like it if people pried into our love life.''

''Fineeee.'' She pouted as they got up and walked towards the door, turning around to wave then disappearing closing the door behind them.

''Finally...'' Levi pulled his chair closer to mine and leant his head on my shoulder. I finished my pancakes and he got up telling me it was best not to move at the moment, and then he disappeared into the kitchen to clean up. When he returned he sat back down and hugged me tightly.

''What do you want to do today honey?''

''Um Levi can I ask you a question?''

''Didn't you just ask me one.''

''You know what I mean.'' I looked down unaware of the sad expression on my face. Levi reached his hand to my cheek and raises my head to face his now worried face.

''What's wrong babydoll?''

''Would I be umm... allowed to go back to... school?'' He grabbed my hand with his free one and looked at me with a mix of confusion and anger.

''Everyone there treated you terribly. You could get hurt or worse taken away from me.''

''I won't get hurt and I would never let anyone take me away from you.''

''You say that but sometimes it can't be helped. Why do you want to anyway?''

''I don't want to be useless and always have to depend on you.'' He sighed and took his hand from my face grabbing my other hand.

''Ok but I will be with you all the time. I... know the headmaster at your school and can pull and few strings to get me in. Of course I will be a teacher and you a student which means no PDA unfortunately.''

''Really?! Wait don't you have to be in your early 20's to become a full time teacher? You're just a high schooler aren't you?''

''I mean it and no I'm actually 30 years old. Like I said I know your headmaster on a... personal level and he allowed me to become a student at the school despite my age. It made it easy to watch over you than if I were a teacher but I couldn't talk to you as I sound a lot older than I looked and it would have blown my cover. However I made up for it by beating up your bullies more than once, but they never learned to keep their filthy little hands off you so I kept doing it.''

That means I did 'it' with a guy almost twice my age... What would my parents think? Is that even legal? I consented so I guess it is but I didn't know his age. I still love him regardless of his age though. But still why didn't he tell me?

''I had... with a 30 year old...'' My head fell down I could let him see my dark blush that was invading my face.

''Do you hate me now?'' I looked up slightly shocked he would think that.

''No no no. I love you Levi, but why didn't you tell me?''

''I don't know really I guess I was scared if you knew my age you wouldn't like me that way. I was just waiting for the right time I guess.''

''Oh that makes sense.''

I launched myself at him hugging his waist tightly. He was shocked at first but quickly returned the hug.

''I have it arranged so your first day back is in five days okay?''

''Yes thats perfect thank you so much Levi, I love you.''

''I love you too.'' He tightened his grip on me before letting me go, I looked straight at him then remembered something he said.



''How do you know my headmaster?''

''He's my uncle.''


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