- Takedown -

640 20 1

January 13, 2014
Hongdae, Seoul

Jennie Kim knows that Seunghoon will turn her over anytime he wants so she decided to meet with him at an alley in Hongdae. She needs to eliminate her biggest problem first before she will assassinate the rest

So she decided to meet him and kill him right now

She didn't bother waking either Chaeyoung or Bom up because she does not want to disturb them but she left a note to let them know that she left the building already

As soon as she arrived at their meeting place, Seunghoon made that evil grin that Jennie hates so much because it means trouble

It means he already made a move to take her down

"So our very own Golden Slytherin is actually in love with her supposed to be nemesis, Park Chaeyoung"

"Stop acting like you're nor crazy in love with my love you fucking hypocrite"

"Oh? So what are you going to do? Kill me?" Seunghoon laughed hysterically, trying to annoy Jennie to the point that she will go wild, but nothing seems to affect her at this point and this was his cue to bring out his revolver and fire a shot at Jennie

"Fucking shit that guy brought his gun with him" Jennie mumbled in her thoughts as she rolled over to dodge Seunghoon's bullet

"Aren't you lucky that you have good reflexes?" Seunghoon moved a little bit closer. He needs to be careful when it comes to fighting against Jennie. After all, she can turn over the tide of the battle anytime she wants. One wrong move and you are done for life

On the other side, Jennie needs to be stealthy if she wants the battle to be in her favor. She does not have any long range weapon with her and this is a big advantage for Seunghoon's part

However, Jennie has already formulated a set of plans to take Seunghoon down. It is a little bit risky considering that Jennie has no idea on how Seunghoon's mind work, but it is worth a try. After all, it is the only thing she can do for now

"Lee Seunghoon, you know you don't need to make an effort to kill me" Jennie showed herself to Seunghoon, raising her hands up

"What the fuck?" Seunghoon made a confused look while aiming his gun at Jennie

"Look if you want to kill me, then just shoot me right here, right now" Jennie now moves a little bit closer. Seunghoon's finger still on the trigger

"Don't fucking move closer or I'm gonna shoot" Seunghoon threatened, but Jennie does not care because her plan is working

"Then shoot! What the fuck are you waiting for Lee Seunghoon?" Jennie moves a little bit closer but she is still far off to drop his gun

"What the fucking heck? Why the fuck are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Cause you already won idiot! I know you already made your move by the way you acted earlier, so why would I bother to do something that would not be a success. You know me too well for that Seunghoon" Jennie moves a little more closer and now she can make her move and drop Seunghoon's gun. She only needs to wait for the perfect timing

Seunghoon tightened his grip on his gun and moved a little closer in attempt to scare the girl away, but his efforts were in vain when Jennie suddenly kicked his hand resulting to him dropping his gun

"What the-" Before Seunghoon could even say a word, Jennie landed a right hook on his face followed by a kick on his balls and that was enough time for Jennie to grab the revolver and shoot Seunghoon

"A pathetic idiot and loser" Jennie fired a couple shots on Seunghoon, firing at his legs first then his body to prevent Seunghoon from getting up. She still needs to let him talk a little bit so that she will know what did Seunghoon do

"Heh, you killed me first to stop me from spreading the information didn't you?"

"Don't ask the obvious Lee Seunghoon"

"I made a m-move...... but... someone....... inter.... fered.... ACK" Jennie fired a couple more shots on his body before firing shots at his head. She already got the information she needs from Seunghoon so prolonging his life is useles. Besides, he might even try to do something to her if she did prolong his life

Now what she needs to do is find out who interfered with Seunghoon's plans. Whoever he or she is, she needs to find out if he or she is a friend that she can trust, or an enemy she has to eliminate

For now, she has to flee the area and leave Seunghoon's dead body behind. Soon enough, the police will be there to investigay and if she stays a little bit longer, she will be their primary suspect and it will be hard to deceive their minds. She brought the revolver with her as well as Seunghoon's cellphone to be safe from suspicious and investigations

One enemy down, 2 more to go


[ A/N: I kinda delayed the ending cause it seemed like I ended this too fast when I read my drafts ]

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