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Seoulite Hotel
January 07, 2014

'Jen, be fucking careful and cautious right now' - anonymous

'So they're trying to find some intel about me? They're just wasting their time.' Jennie thought. She smirked and chuckled at the dumbness of Mythical 7. They're supposed to be the 'smartest' among all the other cops out there, but they always fall for those same old tricks that syndicates and criminals always do.

She sat down and browsed through an article about them attacking Seoulite Hotel a few days ago. She cannot help but laugh hysterically at the article written by the dumb media people who thinks they are always right all the time.

Chaotic Slytherins makes their comeback

Seoulite Hotel refuses to close temporarily

Cops Tightens Security at Seoulite Hotel

Yang Family, Still Alive and Well

Jennie can't help but laugh hysterically at the articles and at the people who commented on the article. Fooling them is easy, just give them false information with logical proofs and that's it

Mission success

Jennie was about to read more articles but then she received a text from Jiyong

'Jen, meeting with the council at 4am. Don't be late - GD'

Jennie checked the time and it is already 1am. She wore a disguise and left Seoulite Hotel immediately.

She went back to their main headquarters with her ride, a Porsche Boxster Spyder. Once she arrived at their HQ, she was welcomed by the brave, handsome and young souls of the Slytherins, Hanbin and Bobby.

The three of them were already a trio even before they joined the Slytherins. They were each other's allies ever since the day the three of them met in an abandoned lot, where the new Slytherin mansion stands right now.

The three of them worked hard to achieve all of this, to feel what their parents never let them feel, the feeling of love

"J, the council is waiting. Let's go"

The trio went in the council hall for the meeting as soon as they saw GD in the doorway. They were welcomed by the council members waiting inside.

"Good morning our master, how are you? You are somewhat glowing today." The eldest among them greeted the young Golden Slytherin

"Chancellor Lee, every single one of us is already working on this war we still haven't declared on South Korea, specifically the Mythical Seven. We're one step ahead of them" Jennie bowed, showing respect to the chancellor that chose her to become the new Slytherin a decade ago

"Good. I suspect you know the enemy's movements by looking at your face"

"Yes, chancellor Lee. Actually, we have eyes on two of the members, the leader and the tech guy."

"Jennie, you know what you need to do." The chancellor eyed Jennie, uncertain about the girl's movements.

"Yes chancellor Lee, thank you for your time" Jennie bowed as the chancellor and the counselors left with doubtful looks. For the first time she saw those doubtful and uncertain looks in her years of talking to them as the Golden Slytherin. She was wondering what did she even do for them to doubt their chosen leader like that. Even Jiwon, Hanbin and GD are surprised to see those kinds of faces from the higher ups.

But little did they know that the Chancellor can see the future deep within a person's eye

And the Chancellor saw Jennie's fate

A fate she does not want to happen


[ A/N: Sorry for the late update! Been busy af lately :( ]

Story of Us (Chaennie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora