- Plan B -

838 41 11

Gangnam Seoul Police District Headquarters (GSPD HQ)
January 06, 2014

It has been hours since Chaeyoung messaged them about a lead into the Slytherins. They keep on trying to contact her but fail every single time, making them worry about her even more. Even the audio stream is blocked, which means they do not really have an idea what is going on ever since Chaeyoung left the message.

But, what they do know is Chaeyoung talking to someone named 'Jennie Kim' who is apparently the CEO of Seoulite hotel, the owner of the property they think the Slytherins own. They are assuming that she did something to Chaeyoung, but Jisoo thinks otherwise. She knows the Slytherins won't do something stupid as that. After all, Yang Hyun Suk, their dumb old leader is dead. So, if the big dumb head is dead, then the dumb Slytherins are also gone which means the new Slytherins are intelligent sly foxes that are capable of outsmarting people, even their mortal enemies.

"Do all of you really think the Slytherins would do something that dumb? Of course they will not do anything to Chaeyoung unless they will know the information they need from her." Everyone looked at Jisoo and analyzed the whole situation again. They realized that this is a posibility and this is probably what is currently happening in Chaeyoung's side.

"So what are you suggesting Jisoo? Sit here and wait?" Junhoe asked Jisoo in a stern voice, panic present in his voice. Jisoo told Junhoe to calm down but that made it worse. He slammed the table then walked out. Yunhyeong tried to chase after him, but Jisoo signaled him to stay

"He needs some space to calm down. Talking to him when he is at that state will be a disaster." Jisoo explained to Yunhyeong.

"So, what's the plan now? We'll just sit here and wait for any updates? How about Junhoe?"

"Simple. We'll wait for updates about Chaeyoung, but that doesn't mean we are not going to do anything. We just need to simply gain more information about Jennie Kim. About Junhoe? Let's leave him alone for now. Anyways, we can just track down Junhoe's location." Jisoo answered Yunhyeong and showed him a tracking device.

"I guess we need to work now. Find information about Jennie Kim according to your specializations. You get what I'm saying right?" Seungri asked them. They all nodded and left the HQ immediately to do their task.

Jisoo and Yunhyeong looked for Jennie's Birth certificate and medical records, Daesung and Lisa for criminal records and personal and confidential information and Seungri will wait for any updates on Chaeyoung while monitoring Junhoe's movements.

Little did they know one of them

One of them

'Jen, be fucking careful and cautious right now' - anonymous

One of them

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