- Problem -

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January 9, 2014
Private Safehouse, Anyang, South Korea

Jennie Kim now has a bigger problem to face. Once Chaeyoung finds out her real identity, she will definitely turn her over to the police and she will never forgive her for what she did, nor even have plans of reconciling with the likes of her, her own archenemy.

If she will confess now, her whole cover up plan will be ruined and it will bring shame to her own name.

But doing either of those will definitely hurt the one she dearly loved in the past

Her phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. She quickly answered it to hear what is going on on the other side of the chaos

"Alpha J, we have a problem" The Slytherin paused for a moment before continuing

"One of the Delta Slytherin was captured by the Mythical 7"

"Judging by your voice, it was the leader wasn't it? It was Bae Joohyun?"

"Yes alpha J, it was her whom they captured"

"I'm on my way to save her" Jennie said before she ended the phonecall. She knew she had to bring Chaeyoung home to her apartment. After all, Park Bom is there so there is nothing to worry about her safety

Little did Jennie know Chaeyoung was awake

And she heard everything

Every single thing

"Why does it have to be you"

January 9, 2014
Seoul South Korea

"J, Irene is at the underground facility of Mythical 7. There's a lot of security and CCTVs around the area, so be careful" Jennie read the text before she deleted it and placed her phone deep in her pocket

If she wants to do this operation smoothly, then she needs to make a ruckus before breaking in. Good thing that the Delta forces are on standby, ready to shoot down the place. Once ever single Mythical member are out, she will make her mover and rescue Irene quickly without acting suspicious. She's wearing a doctor disguise after all so it will be hard to doubt that she is the Jennie Kim they all have been looking for, at least the Mythical 7

The plan was well executed by the Delta forces in the leadership of Kim Yeri, the young assassin. That girl might be young but watch your tongue, she can pull off a perfect crime leaving no trace of evidence that leads to her

Now that Jisoo, Yunhyeong, and Lisa went out to compete with the Slytherins, Jennie made her move. She went inside the underground facility with ease. There, Slytherin P is waiting for her to pick Irene up

"Long time no see, Lee Seunghyun" Jennie greeted her spy without making any noise. Sound detectors are around so it is better to be cautious or she will blow away Seunghyun's cover

As an act, Seunghyun pretended to not see Jennie and there, she knocked Seunghyun out, made Irene wore something that made her look like one of her patients as they discreetly made their getaway. They successfully managed to escape without someone tailing them

"Mission success" Jennie commented, but she knew this was far from over

"This chaos is only the beginning of the terror that we will bring"


[ A/N: I bet y'all are confused with Jennie's character but you'll see :) ]

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