- The Devil -

611 24 1

January 12, 2014
Seoul Police District

"Ji, do you think we should still trust Chaeyoung?" Yunhyeong asked Jisoo with a look of distrust

"What do you mean Yunhyeong is that even a question? Of course we need to trust Chaeyoung she's our leader" Jisoo explained the obvious but the look of doubt is still present in Yunhyeong's expression

"Look Ji, it has been a week but Chaeyoung cannot extract information from Jennie. Don't you think it's kinda unusual?"

"Are you doubting our leader, Song Yunhyeong?"

"Jisoo, I'm not doubting her. Look, I just want to finish everything already and end the Slytherins reign as soon as possible. You know what they are capable of" Yunhyeong defended himself. Jisoo understands him and she has the same desire too but interfering with what Chaeyoung is planning to do might foil her plans

"I know Yun I also want to end the Slytherins reign too but we need to be a little more patient if we want everything to go smoothly" Jisoo explained and Yunhyeong finally understood but he is still worried about Chaeyoung's safety. She is under the Slytherin's control and they will never know what might happen

"Fine we'll wait for Chaeyoung but we need to send someone to look after her too. We may never know that Chaeyoung might already be in danger because she already knows something about the other side"

"Alright fine you can send someone but he/she cannot interfere with what Chaeyoung is doing ok?"

"Ok sure. I'll send a friend of mine"They are both talking alone in a room, but neither of them knew that someone was listening outside

"Fucking shit Jennie needs to be even more discreet then"

'Jen you're fucking doomed Yunhyeong and Jisoo sent someone to spy on Chaeyoung. What the fuck are you doing to her anyways? She barely got any info from you'

'It's simple Panda you don't need to know about it. Go back and do your job and update me again  later'

'Copy J'

January 12, 2014
Slytherin Training Grounds

Kwon Jiyong is worried about Jennie once he heard the news from Seunghyun that the Mythical 7 is planning to guard Chaeyoung more closely. Not that she does not trust Jennie because he himself knows that Jennie can manipulate or change someone's thoughts about her with her witty and quick mind, it is just that he is worried about Jennie's safety. So, he decided to call his best spy under his leadership, Lee Seunghoon

"Hoon, do you have any schedules or any important business meetings to attend this week?"

"None sir. I am totally free this week. My only schedule is going to be on January 16 which is the birthday of our very own Golden Slytherin. Besides, what I'm only doing these days is preparing the Golden Slytherin's 29th birthday"

"Good Seunghoon because I'm gonna give you a task. Watch Jennie's back all the time, the Mythical 7 is sending someone to watch over Chaeyoung so for safety precautions I want you to look after her"

"Alright sir. When should I start? Should I inform Jennie so that at least she knows that someone's eying her from her own group?"

"Nope Seunghoon, I'll handle it. I'll send you the details about Jennie's whereabouts later"Kwon Jiyong might know everything about the organization itself, but he does not know the personal interests of the Slytherins

Yes, he can read every single one's mind but not Seunghoon and especially Jennie. He does not know that both of them had a thing for Chaeyoung up to the point of even having a romantic relationship with their own enemy

Only both Seunghoon and Jennie knows it and the both of them agreed that whatever happened in the past shall never be turned over by either of them or else the traitor shall be killed

However, Seunghoon has other plans. He wants Chaeyoung back as much as how badly Jennie wants to spend more time with her and he knows the risk of doing whatever he is planning to do because Jennie is not an easy opponent. If she is at risk, she can get out whatever kind of trouble she was in but nevertheless, he is willing to take the risk if it means that Chaeyoung will come back to him

"May the best man or woman win" Seunghoon laughed hysterically as he threw a knife on Jennie's picture

"It's about time that I shall reveal your darkest secrets your majesty"


[ A/N: It's about time to bring Hoon back ;) ]

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