I gently placed the ring on her ring finger. "How long was I out?"

"Just a few weeks."

She looked at me like she had more questions to ask me but kept her mouth shut.

A part of me want to ask why was their a bounty on her head, and the other half is too afraid of the answer. What if it's an answer I might not be able to handle. Regardless or not, she is my mate and I'll make sure no harm comes to her. The next thing to do is to ensure that my pack will not mention the bounty on her head or the fact that she is a girl. She will be treated as TY my buddy as usual. It won't be too hard for my pack to keep their mouth shut. All I have to do is raise my alpha voice.

Other than that, TY, my Ty, my mate is back in my arms.

Struggling to sit up, I helped TY, "Bathroom." Helping her to the bathroom I waited outside the door that is until I heard her scream.

Bursting through the door like a rabid dog, her reflection in the mirror only brought on my fears as I watch her fingers trailed down my mark on her neck. Her neck stretching to the side for a better view, "You fucking bastard." Her gaze shifted to meet my eyes as I gulped in horror.

"You marked me!"

"Well I..."

"You fucking mark me you ass hole!"

I could only shook with fear while her burning rage escalate. "I had to."

"What the hell do you mean you had to? And who gave you permission to do what ever you please."

"Look TY," I growled not liking her tone with me, "It was either you die or I mark you so you can live."

"Die, me?" She laughed hysterically.

"You find dying funny." My blood was now on fire. How can she find that funny?

"Well what do you expect. You rejected me remember." I watch her veins pop. It was times like this when she was truly angry her veins would bulge out, "And now you didn't want me to die so you marked me. Unbelievable Hunter, you should've left me to die." Raising her head as if she had a revelation, "As I recall you choose that skank over your true mate."

"Yes, and I regret now I accept you and you accept me."

"Hold the fuck up, I take it back."

"What? Take what back?"

"I reject you." She scuffed crossing her arms.

"You reject me all because I marked you?"

TY nodded her head.

"Isn't this what you want. Me to accept you."

TY then chuckled, "I'm sorry but let me get this straight, you accepted me why? Then you mark me to save my life." She paused, "Oh I get it, you didn't want to become a rogue. So you only marked me to save yourself."

Hold up, how the hell did she come up with such a dumb idea. Sure I marked her to save her life but not because I wanted to save myself.

"I don't think you understand what you are saying."

"No, I see thing's clearly now. I TY reject..."

Before she could finished that sentence I pinned her against the way, clamping my mouth shut, "You are not allowed to reject me." My alpha voice resonating off the walls. She had to comply. She can't go against an alpha's orders.

I smirked when I watch her submit to me. Though I hated using my alpha voice on her, I couldn't let her reject me.

"I can't believe you, that you would stoop this low."

"TY!" I barked. "You are my mate and my Luna."

"Oh, so now I'm you're mate. Where are you going to put me, on the second floor while I watch you and Rachel play daddy to a pup that's not ours." Her eyes were blazing towards me.

"She lost the pup." I sighed.

TY's eyes widen, "All because you mated with me. Hunter, how could you have done that. That pup lost it's life because of you."

I was getting angry now, "It was either the pup or you so I choose you."

"But Hunter he was your pup."

"And you are my mate!" I yelled. TY flinched.

"Hunter, even if we both accepted each other, do you think your pack will. Basically this will be the reason for them to hate me. I am the caused of the next alpha's lost." She was right. Had I done the right thing. She was my mate. But she was right. My pack would despise her. Sometimes she's too smart for her own good.

"So, I would do it again in a heart beat."

"And where do you expect me to stay? Second floor."

My tongue clicked, "No, in my room in my arms."

TY looked more shock than I anticipated, "I think it's best that you remove this mark on me and mark Rachel. I don't belong here." She the pushed me out of the way but not before grabbing her arm.

"Don't you dare turn your fucking back towards me. This is how it's going to go, you will move in with me whether you like it or not."

"And if I refuse?"

"Don't make me have to drag you." I snarled at her. Though Tray didn't like me talking like that to our mate, he was more than happy that she would be living with us in our room where we can watch over her. I don't care if she will hate me, but the mate bond is a lot stronger and she will succumb to me. And the best part is I wont have to do anything because she will submit to me out of her own free will.

My LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz