Prologue: Hazy Dream

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It's dark. It's cold. It's dreary.

That was all you could think as you whirled around in the black empty space around you, trying to figure out where you were. Memories still in a huge jumbled mess with only vagueness in your mind, you couldn't remember how you ended up in this twisted place. And it was starting to make you sick.

It gave you such a huge sense of vulnerability, you couldn't imagine if there was anything hidden in the shroud of darkness.

"Where... Where am I...? What's this place...?!"

The whirling madness around you began to give you a huge migraine as you clutched your head in agony, forcing the headache down. You just wanted it to stop, and you just wanted it to go away. But what could you do?

But it was when you were about to scream in insanity when a dim speck of light appeared in front of you. Curious, you stared at it.

... An 'On' button? Why would there be one here...? But there was no time to waste. You wanted to get away from this immediately. If this button was the only way...

You reached for the button as bright flashes of colours began bursting around you, sapping the consciousness away from you.


It is dim in the room you are in, the lights hazily darkened till only blurry outlines of unfamiliar shapes can be seen surrounding you. There seemed to be a constant beeping, something that succeeded in waking you up. Despite the clarity of the singular thoughts, most of it is jumbled up messily and you struggle to make sense of what is going on. Where am I? You wonder, squinting angrily at the ceiling. To your horror, tears well up in your eyes and you start to cry and hiccup. As mortified as you are, you just cannot seem to stop! What is happening to you?

It is then that a peach blob approaches you and lifts you up, cooing gently. "Look who is such a bawler. You are going to grow up and be a beautiful lady one day, my sweet princess. Until then, papa will take care of you."

Father?! It is only then that you are struck with realisation. You are a baby, a newborn. How did this happen? Your scowl turns out to be a cute pout as you frustratedly wonder how you were reborn or reincarnated.

Ah yes, the car crash. You had been with two friends and were crossing the road after school. Instead of crossing safely as you had expected, a truck had barrelled from the corner and turned into the direction of the three of you. Frozen with fear, it seemed you had been knocked down and was unable to survive. Sigh, after fifteen years of living and all of it gone just like that...

You suppose it could have been worse and your father seemed like a nice person after all. Maybe you could enjoy this life as well, even though you realised that intentionally changing any events that were set to occur in this world (If it even was a world you were familiar of. ) would potentially cause very dangerous consequences that could negatively impact the people around you. The complex thoughts hurt your head, and you realise you are drifting off. Well, a nap would be nice, you suppose...

"Oh, is my little princess falling asleep?" The man identified as your father continues. He laughs gently at your sniffles. "My dear little..."


[Masterpiece from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal - Opening Song of Daily Arc]

"Whether it's stormy, windy, misty or hot,
Always be strong, and show me what you got.
You were kind but strict, at first I became irritated,
We're different, yet this is the wonder heavens have created."

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