New Alpha on the Block

Start from the beginning

"So you like him." Jen cut my rant short, getting straight to the point. 

"I guess." I exhaled deeply. "Which doesn't make any sense!"

"Love doesn't really make much sense. Who you fall in love with, who loves you back, none of it is really in your control." Jennifer explained. "The good thing is that you do have people who love you...even if they might not always do the best job at showing it."

"How do you always know the right thing to say?" 

"Because I'm a genius." She joked, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Now what do you say to a nice hot bath and a binge watch session of The Real Housewives of New Jersey?

"It's like you just read my mind." 


I had a hard time sleeping that night. My mind raced with the thoughts of my encounter with the Alpha on the lacrosse field, Jacob's proposition, and the incredibly terrifying prospect of Eric being held in some sort of prison cell by the Elders. 

By the time my alarm clock went off, I think I had accumulated about two hours of sleep.

I rolled onto my side, my entire body aching in pain. I groaned, stretching my arms out and legs into the air to relieve the stress that had build up in my muscles overnight. My head was pounding and my scar was irritated so badly that I couldn't stop itching it. 

Eventually, I made it out of my bed. I somehow managed to throw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, but didn't bother to fix up my hair or face. I felt like shit and I looked like shit--and I didn't really give a shit. 

While pulling my greasy hair into a messy top knot, I slowly made my way downstairs. It smelled like coffee, causing me to yawn at the thought of my sleep deprivation. "I hope that coffee's for me!" I announced loudly, turning into the kitchen and expecting to see Jennifer but instead stumbling into something entirely unexpected. I paused at the edge of the kitchen, my mind trying to process the scene before me. 

Xavier and Chase were making omelettes, and Jennifer was perched at the counter watching them with the most amused expression I've ever seen on her face. 

I shook my head from side to side, blinking furiously to wake myself up from what surely was a dream. "Did I hit my head or something last night because I must be seeing things." 

Chase and Xavier both looked up from their busy work. Xavier had a bad black eye and Chase had a busted lip. "We're making omelettes." Chase said as if this was a common-everyday occurrence. 

"I can see that." I nodded, approaching the counter with caution so that I could sit besides Jennifer.

"They were here when I came down this morning." She whispered to me, shrugging slightly. 

"Am I going crazy or did you two go to couple's therapy without me knowing about it?"

"Cheese?" Xavier looked up at me, completely ignoring my question as well as the weirdness of this whole situation. 

"Sure." I said, giving up on trying to make sense of their behavior. 

Xavier slid me a plate with a fresh, steaming omelette perched upon it. "I hope you like mushrooms." 

"She does." Chase answered for me, leaning over the counter to drop a scoop of sour cream on my omelette.

"Okay, what the f*ck is going on?" I stood up abruptly, sending a surge of energy through my fingers which unintentionally sent my omelette flying into the wall.

The room stood still for a few moments.

"I'll take this as my cue to go." Jennifer cringed, kissing me lightly on the cheek before heading out.

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