Chapter Nineteen - Late Again

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I roll over in my bed with a sigh, pulling my soft white blank up to my chin. My hair is sprawled out everywhere, and sleep keeps me from opening my eyes. I slowly begin to drift off to sleep, until reality begins to sink in. It's light out...and it's Tuesday.

I shoot up in my bed, my eyes wide as I flip my phone over quickly on my bedside table, turning it on, only to see that it's already seven AM. I slept in. A lot.

I scramble out of my comfortable bed, ripping one of the drawers of my dresser open and not finding a single pair of jeans I can wear. I look around my room wildly, eventually grabbing a pair of leggings off of my floor and slipping into them. Atlas paws at my door and I sigh, giving him a sympathetic glance.

"I know, I know." I mutter, grabbing my maroon sweatshirt from the end of my bed and slipping into it. I already missed my train, I don't have a bike...this is wonderful. This is great. This is fantastic.

I slip socks on and tie my shoes as quickly as I can, then I open my door and Atlas starts running through the apartment. I rush to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, wiping my face down with a washcloth. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing my teeth and wandering through the apartment to find my backpack. I slide my backpack on, grabbing Atlas's leash and heading back to the bathroom to spit into the sink. I rinse my mouth and head out the door, hooking Atlas's leash onto his collar.

I step out into the cold air, shivering slightly and listening to a few leaves crunch under my feet. I look around the busy city, walking as quickly as I can to the park. The sidewalks are crowded with people, like usual, and Atlas rugs on his leash, trying to take off down the street.

I try to get to the park as quickly as I can, especially because it's really cold outside, and I'm already very late. I unhook Atlas's leash once we get to the dog park, and luckily, the park is completely empty. I shiver and cross my arms, trying to hurry Atlas. My nose is numb, as well as my ears and fingers.

"Atlas, quit it!" I snap as he jumps up and spins for the third time. I reach down again to hook his leash on his collar, and he barks and runs all the way across the large dog park.

"Atlas!" I shout, following him. Of all the days he decides to act up, he picks this one. It takes awhile, but I finally manage to get his leash on and walk him home. Once that's all through, I practically sprint out of my apartment and down the street. I keep checking the time as I walk, and my backpack bumps against my back with every step I take. I take a right turn and spot the entrance to a subway station, and I quickly cross the street and nearly fall as I practically sprint down the stairs.

I look around for incoming trains, and there are none. I sigh and start to pace through the station, taking the only shortcut there is, which isn't that short. Time passes and I eventually come up to the exit, only a few blocks from Midtown. I jog up the stairs and start down the sidewalk again, the cold air hitting my skin and sending chills throughout me.

I finally get to school, and I check the time one last time before I head in. 7:27. I'm so close to being late. I rush into the building and through the hallways scattered with students here and there, and I reach the hallway my locker's in quickly. I enter my combination quickly and set my backpack in my locker, grabbing my stuff and shutting the door, heading to advisory.

I slide into my seat just as I the bell rings, and I exhale in relief.

"What happened this time?" I turn to face Harper, who's chewing on her pen, looking over a paper scribbled with words, top to bottom.

"Slept in," I mumble, sitting back in my seat and turning my attention to Mrs. Campbell, who starts to take attendance, seated at her desk.

"This stupid thing is due fifth, and I haven't even started on my final draft." Harper mutters.

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