Chapter Seventeen - It All Adds Up

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I lay in bed, all showered, warm, and clean, replaying the night over and over again in my head. Peter can't be the Spider-Man. It's not possible. I mean, this is Peter Parker we're talking about. He just...can't.

But it all adds up! All of it! Literally!

Even if I told anyone, they wouldn't believe me. But then again, what if Peter really isn't the Spider-Man and I'm just a terrified, paranoid idiot. I close my eyes and think back to the earliest I can remember Peter acting strange and disappearing. I immediately think of the decathlon field trip, but then I remember that one day at the coffee shop. Peter left in a fluster and I decided to be a total creep and follow him, and he was just...gone. And instead of Peter, I got the Spider-Man.

And the decathlon field trip - why else would the Spider-Man be in Washington DC? Peter wasn't present at the competition like he was supposed to be. He disappeared again, and the Spider-Man showed up and saved the day. And saved me.

That one time I saw the Spider-Man slammed into the wall of a building on the news. Peter showed up at school the next day really beat up and hurt. And that other time I called Peter when I was at the park - he sounded out of breath and I heard a crash and somebody scream in the background. What if I called him when he was out saving the city?

I can't jump to conclusions. He wasn't out saving the city. He isn't Spider-Man. Peter. Isn't. The Spider-Man.

I need somebody's else's opinion on this. Like, Ally and Harper's opinion. But they won't believe me, and I know that for a fact.

So I'm going to need evidence.


The train stops abruptly at the station I get off of every morning and I hop off with a sigh, wanting my bike more than anything right now. Winter had officially begun in New York, and a thin blanket of freshly fallen snow covered the city. The only bright side to taking the subway is that it's somewhat warmer than riding my bike through the streets of New York, but, I would much rather ride my bike through the snow than pack onto a crowded train car.

I exit the train and walk through the crowded station, jogging up the stairs and entering the cold air, walking in the direction of Midtown. I yawn, shoving my hands in the pockets of my maroon jacket, and I listen to the snow crunch quietly beneath my boots. I hear the chatter of pedestrians and the engines of cars as I walk, and I don't think about anything as I finish my walk to school. Which is unusual, because there's a lot to be thinking about.

Once I do arrive at school, my friends are nowhere in sight. I don't think anything of it, I just head straight for my locker and enter my combination in. As I open the metal door, I feel a soft tap on my shoulder.

"Hey." Ally says with a quick smile. I unzip my backpack and grab my binder, shoving the bag into my locker.

"Hi." I sigh. "Last night was nuts."

"Tell me about it," she replies softly.

"Have you seen Peter?" I ask quickly.

"No. I was just about to ask you that. I'm kinda worried." She replies, looking around cautiously.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "You look nervous."

"I just...don't want anyone overhearing, I guess. Nobody would believe us."

"You never know," I sigh. "I'm sure the monster is on the news." I shut my locker and follow Ally slowly down the hallway to meet up with Harper at her locker.

"I swear to god," she mumbles as she enters her combination. Ally and I stand on either side of her tiredly. "if I get this wrong one more damn time..." she tries and fails to open her locker, and she exhales shortly and shuts her eyes.

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