The decision

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[Hell yeah i'm back!! New story finaly!i love this picture dude!]

SMG4 sit on his pctable he remeber exactly what his word was. His kinda cute high voice and his evil smile.
Yesterday was the day where all changes...

SMG4 don't know what he should do it's to hard to think about it.

He thinks about his arch-enemy SMG3.
SMG3 is a copycat from him but they have some things different:
-SMG3 is taller than SMG4
-SMG3 is one year younger than him
[In my Version he's not 46!!!]
And SMG3 is evil and SMG4 not.

They fighted a long time but yesterday something happends between them what all should change.

SMG4 got a fight with SMG3 yeah thats normal. But after both wäre at the end SMG3 mumbled something which SMG4 can't forget. His words was exactly:
,,Why do i fight with my crush...''
SMG3 instantly love SMG4 but he never knew it.

SMG4 runned away after that but now can't think clear anymore. So he went to SMG3 who was in his evil liar and do nothing.

,,uhm... Hey SMG3?...'' SMG4 had a light blush on his face.
,,Hey what do you want? I didn't do anything till now!'' SMG3 tried to ignore SMG4.
[They will now talk SMG4 than SMG3]
,,I heared what you said yesterday.."


,,You said:why do i fight with my crush?''

,,You heared it?!''


A silence broke in. SMG4 saw that SMG3 just don't want to talk about this. But he want answers and went to him.
,,what do you mean with that SMG3?''

,,just forget it okay?!''

,,No you dumbass now answer my question!''

,,Ugk shut up''

SMG3s high cute voice went nore silent. SMG4 just want to talk with him but SMG3 look away from him.

,,Can you look at me when i talk with you?!''


They two went into a fight.
After a few minutes SMG3 take SMG4s head turned to him and kiss him.

,,Shut up now pls SMG4...''

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