SMG3's secret

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[I didn't liked the last idea😅]

SMG4 fight against SMG3 again because...Yeah they forgot why. ,,I HATE YOU!'' scream SMG4.

X&SM3 stand near of them. ,,They fight again?''asked X while drink his coffee. ,,Yep'' answered SM3 ,,let us go away from them.'' Both went away.

SMG4 pushed hardly SMG3 against the wall. But what was that? SMG4 noticed that SMG3 lost something but he didn't know what. ,,Outch...'' SMG3 hold his back had while closing his eyes ,,that hurts!'' he slowly open his eyes.

,,Are you okay? Sry i think i pushed you to hard.'' SMG3 was a bit shocked. ,,uhm.. SMG3?'' SMG4 asked him with a worried voice. SMG3 shaked his had to geht out his mind ,,Yeah i am! And now i leave!'' SMG3 wanted to go to the exit but he just walked against a wall. ,,Shit...'' SMG3 hold his nose who bleeds.

,,Really you walked against an obvisious wall!'' SMG4 giggled. ,,Shut up!'' SMG3 just not turned around to SMG4. ,,Hey whats wrong? I think you have something...'' SMG4 lais his one hand on SMG3's shoulder ,,Speak with me!''

,,You will only laugh...'' SMG3 said it silent. ,,No i swear'' SMG4 just tried not to laugh. ,,Okay i lost my contact lenses you must know i got the horriblest eyes ever.'' SMG4 was suprised about what his Doppelganger told him. ,,why don't you wear glasses?'' ,,I was bullyed in highschool because of that...'' SMG3 said it a bit sad.

,,I will not laugh just put them on..'' SMG4 said it in a cute voice what SMG3 likes. He put out a black nerdy glasses and put it on. SMG4 turned his doppelganger around and was suprised how cute he looked. Both where silent for a moment.

,,A-and?'' SMG3 hide his blush. SMG4 get a smile on his face and just hugg SMG3 hard. ,,Damn you're so cute!!!''

SMG3 can't believe what his enemy said to him but he liked his hug and so he hug him, back closes his eyes and get a big fat smile on his face. He loves SMG4's bodyheat. Maybe that was the reason why he don't let SMG4 go after SMG4 stopped to hug him. SMG4 noticed that and blushed and said in his mind ,,You're my sweet love...''

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