Love To Death

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[Just a sad fanfiction idk why i write that. Guys damn sry i watched to much Dr.House with my dadxd]

SMG4 stand in the room of SMG3.
SMG3 listen with headphones on his handy music and sing a bit.
SMG4 looked at him at the door and smile. SMG3 start to dance and sing more.
SMG4 start to giggle. SMG3 turned around and saw SMG4. ,,how dare you?!'' SMG3 start to get angry and stopped the music. SMG4 walked towoards to him. SMG3 pluked the headphones out and stopped SMG4. ,,go out!!'' SMG4 take SMG3s Arms. ,,Shut up SMG4.'' he give him a Kiss on the cheek. SMG3 pulls SMG4 away. SMG4 was surprised ,,What wrong daring?'' he never knew that his boyfriend is so upset that he Interrupt him.
SMG3 hold his had and fall down and broke togheter. SMG4 shoked ,,SMG3?!''

A few hours later woke SMG3 up in the Hospital. Next to his bed he saw X, SM3, FM, Mario and Luigi who don't see like they're happy.
,,oh hey Guys..''
,,You Broke SMG4s heart you know?'' X start to get angry.
,,what are you talking about?'' SMG3 looked surprised.
,,The doctor told us everything.''SM3 push his ponytail away from his eyes.
SMG3 let out a big sigh. ,,I wish nobody should ever knew that..''
SMG3 laughed a bit sad. ,,X.. I just didn't want to say nobody that... Because i all planed how you should figured out after my death.''
SMG4 enter the room. X saw it and went out with FM, SM3, Mario and Luigi. A big silent appears.

,,So thats our last hours?''SMG4 looked away from him he can't Look in SMG3s face.
,,Yes...'' SMG3 saw the angry and also sad SMG4 in SMG4s eyes.
,,You're a dumbass SMG3... You don't Tell your own boyfriend that you will die?! HOW COULD YOU!'' SMG4 starts to cry.
SMG3 stand up even if he's to weak and walks to SMG4. ,,Well i'm your dumbass than..'' he smiled.
SMG4 saw that sad boy in front of him and huggs him.

The last hours they spend much togheter. SMG3 went weaker and weaker.

The last minutes are comming SMG4 sit next to SMG3 on the bed in the Hospital. He just hold his little boyfriend in his Arms. They're talking about how they met eachother and how much they Fight.

,,Yes Sweety?''
,,I love you..''
SMG4 smiled ,,I love you too.''
SMG3 smiled weak and Slowly closed his eyes.

SMG4 sit now on his bed Alone with his love who will never come back.

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