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I stood in front of the Hermes cabin. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Connor opened the door.

"Isla?" he asked, shocked

"Hi Connor"

He stared at me in shock, mouth opening slowly

"You left" he told me, still in a state of shock.

"Yeah... can we talk?"

He sized me up for a second, looking doubtful, until I shot him the puppy dog eyes. He closed the door in my face.
"Connor! C'mon!"
He doesn't reply, so I start singing 'This girl is on fire' and Zeus knows I'm horrible at singing, so a minute later, Connor storms out and closes the door behind him. He crosses his arms, but followed me to the forest.


"Connor, I had to explain"

"I think you did that well enough when you ran away"

"Ok I deserved that, but listen, just because I let it go, didn't mean I wanted to let go."

"What does that mean?"

"Sometimes we have to let go of something, even if it kills us to do it, Connor. If my life wasn't the way it is, I would've stayed-"

"If your life wasn't the way it is? What is that supposed to mean? Could you stop quoting stuff and talk straight?"

Ah well. There goes my plan for trying to be deep... just as well. Learning those internet quotes by heart was hard work.

"Ok fine. Connor I'm sorry, but I can't explain why I left-"

"Then what was the point of coming? Because you're only making it worse"

"Connor will you shut up and listen? I can't explain, I'm bound to secrecy, unless you want me to drop dead? But trust me when I say it was for a good reason. Actually scratch that, not for a good reason, but it was important. The most I can tell you is, we couldn't be together anyway, whether I ran away or not"

"That doesn't sting at all"

"But, I'm here now"

He raised his eyebrows,

"You're staying?"

I sighed


"Stop right there. Just remember that if you start to miss me, I didn't let you go. You walked away from me"

"First off, who's quoting stuff now?but Connor you can come with me if you want"

"Oh? And where are we going?"

"Where the wind takes us. We'll go from place to place, see everything, and come back someday, but I can't promise when. But it's completely your choice."

He stared at me and I totally understood why. I mean, I'm a girl he kissed, but didn't know anything about, was asking him to leave everything and travel the world with her. He bit his lip, ran his hand through his hair, looked conflicted, but eventually nodded.

"It's crazy, but crazy is my middle name" he grinned at me

I laughed and watched him run to get his things and tell Travis. Honestly, I was expecting him to say f- off, but he didn't. Surprisingly.

I watched him hug Travis, a backpack slung over his shoulder. Travis nodded and went toward Chiron and Connor started walking toward me and Chiron started to walk toward Connor but saw where he was headed and his gaze flickered to me. Chiron slowed to a stop and watched Connor go, the deep lines in his face crinkling as he gave a small smile, his expression was easy to read. He would miss Connor. No matter what their lineage, the campers were like family and Chiron was a big part of that, but he knew that people come and go and that it was time for Connor to go. I turned my attention to Connor and watched him trudge up toward me. At the top of the hill, he turned to look one last time at Camp, then turned to face me, a smile spreading spreading across his face. I stepped away from Thalia's tree and smiled back at him, I held out my hand and he took it, flashing me a grin.

"You ready?" I asked

"As ready as I'll ever be" he shrugged, his backpack bouncing on his shoulders

We walked down the hill and I swung our hands high and he laughed. The sun was falling over his face, casting a coppery shade over his face as he squinted slightly. This wasn't the ending, but it's all I need. I have my memories and an unknown path in front of me. It's perfect. Time was undone and fate was changed when it came to me,

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