Electrical Wires

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A/N: This is my first story on Wattpad, so every comment counts! PLEASE GIVE IT A CHANCE... I'm on my virtual knees here, begging you, crying my eyes out, and baking you a delicious pastry. The sent floats towards your nose and you can't help but smell it. Yeah, it's that pastry you love. You don't want that pastry, you NEED IT! So go ahead, read this story / novel / whatever this thing is called. THE STORY IS YOUR PASTRY!!! CONSUME IT WITH YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please...... :3

Chapter 1

Stuck In a Soda Can

“We are experiencing a slight amount of turbulence. Please remain in your assigned seat until the captain has signaled that it is safe to move about the cabin." The stewardess' voice flowed through the multiple speakers throughout the plane. Her voice was very irritating. All sugar-coated and full of fake joy. Why does that sound so familiar? Oh, I know. Because that's the reason I'm in this over-sized, compressed, packed, noise-filled, soda can just waiting to be popped open.

The realization of my situation finally hit me somewhere over Greenland. I was going to be an ocean away from the old me. The hated, avoided, misunderstood teenage girl who just-so-happened to have a bit of rotten luck. It was all finally going to fade away like footprints placed too close to the sandy shore of a beach. The sooner left, the sooner gone. In a year's time, no-one will remember me. Little Carsyn Lee Fish will just be a name in a de-faced yearbook found in Community Row High School. Not like she was even in it more than her school photograph. I was as invisible as a single thin green worm hiding in your granny smith apple. Just waiting to emerge. It wasn't my fault that I was pinned as the academic prodigy or that my mom died in a freak car accident. Not to mention the overflow of scholarships and college letters that occupied my mailbox. The post office literally had to start putting all our mail into bins that were delivered to our small apartment every-other weekday. Colleges and Universities all over the country were sending personal letters offering full rides to "the most prestigious academic schools in the country." Not like I needed the full ride. Yeah, It's a great thing and all, but Mom and I could have paid for college one-way or another.

Then, Mom died. She was driving home from her second job when a drunk driver traveled into her lane and nicked her front tire, causing her to flip several times. The police told me that if she wasn't driving that old Pinto, she would have survived, that it was a one-in-a-million type of wreck, and that the drunk was 'saved' by my mom trying to swerve. You have no idea how much I wanted to punch his face in. Oh, the plans I thought of... Even found a place to hide the body and a chemical to speed decay...Going on a rampage and killing everyone that had ever thought something bad about me or my family was definitely an option...

Now I'm stuck on a freaking plane heading for the United Kingdom. To my new life and to the only person left in this world willing to take me in...... My father.

Hip hip huzza. Good Ol' Dad accepting me into HIS home. Providing me with a roof over my head, clothing, and even nutrition! Oh, I'm so grateful. NOT! Where was he when our house got foreclosed? When we lived out of a dingy hotel room for a year and a half? When I had to quit everything that demanded money we just didn't have. I even had to quit my extra classes afterschool because we didn't have money for the bus fare. He wasn't there to help with bills, my homework, the old Pinto when it broke down, or even to deal with the pain we should have felt together. Why do I hate the man that game me have of my genetics? He left. Simple as that.

One day he said that he was going to visit his family back in the UK. The next day, he was gone. The Delta flight left at 2 pm but he still didn't even say goodbye. At first he wrote every-other day, but then the letters became arriving at random. First every week, then once every couple of months, then once a year till they just stopped all together. The last time I ever heard from him was three and a half years ago. OH, RIGHT IN THE FEELS! (A/N:  lolz  :3)

"We are now descending into London. Please remain in your assigned seat until one of the stewards announces it is safe to exit the plane. When exiting the plane, please remain in an orderly fashion to ensure maximum speed and safety. Thank you for flying American Airlines." The same women announced to the entire 'Can'. I could have sworn that one of the pilots said, and I quote, "Now I can finally get some decent sleep."

'What do you mean?!?! Who was flying the freaking plane if you were off in dream land? It's the middle of the firetruckin' day! Who needs a nap at this hour? Are you a preschooler? I hope not.' Yeah, my inner thoughts rant... That’s what I get for actually paying attention to my surroundings...

But this story isn't about all that. It's about... Well, you're just gonna have to wait and read ....


Carsyn Lee Fish


What do you think? Continue or scrap? Let me know in the comments below!!!

It's gonna get better once I get all the introductions done! I pinky promise.... Oh! Thats not good enough for you? Then I swear on the River Styx ( River of the unbreakable oath. LEARN YOUR MYTHOLOGY, PEOPLE!)

 Ps. What where we talking about??? lolz 

Electrical Wires (On Hold Till Further Notice)Where stories live. Discover now