Chapter 9

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Emily had to bite her lip to keep herself from screaming at the way Will violated her body. Her chest was pushed roughly down on the table while her arms were held on her back, twisted in a way she didn't think was possible. Neither one of them were completely naked. He had pulled down her pants and panties, but this time he hadn't bothered to take them off completely. She could feel that he wasn't naked either. He was still wearing his shirt and the material would rub against her back as he pounded into her.

She tried to shift her body, but the way his hands gripped her arms and hip tightly made it almost impossible.

"God you feel good," Will moaned.

Emily wanted to say something back, but she knew that if her teeth let go of her lip, she would either moan or scream and she didn't want to give him that.

She tried so hard to relax, but she just couldn't and the pain was excruciating. The groans from the man behind her sent chills down her spine and made her want to throw up.

It was all her fault. If only she hadn't offered to stay late that night. If only she hadn't agreed to spend the night. Maybe none of this would've happened. Maybe Will wouldn't have gotten the idea to get sex from his wive's best friend.

The question of why her always ran through her head, but she knew she wouldn't get a real answer. She didn't want to believe that she had ruined a family, that she was just a whore.
The words JJ had said hurt her the most. The disgust on the blondes face and the disbelief. She didn't know what the rest of the team said, but she had no doubt that they would take JJ's side. After all, according to her, Emily and Will were having an affair. Everything was consensual.

Emily knew it wasn't and for some reason she hadn't been able to stop it. Or didn't she try hard enough?

The pounding stopped and Emily was confused. She knew he hadn't emptied himself, there was nothing running down her legs.

"What are you...?" Emily stopped when she felt his hard member stroke between her butt cheeks. "No, no, no, no, please don't... I can't..."

Will just chuckled as he thrust inside her back entrance and this time Emily couldn't hold back her scream. It hurt even more than last night since he didn't use any lube this time and she knew she wasn't healed yet.

"Shhh," Will whispered. "We don't want the neighbors to become worried."

Staying quiet proved to be a very difficult task. Even biting her lip didn't work. It hurt so much, like she was being cut in half. She wanted him to climax, she needed him to, but when she could feel that he was about to he slowed down so it all would last for longer. Then he started again, going deeper and harder than before.

Will stopped completely, but remained inside, when a knock on the door could be heard.

"Stay quiet," Will said, firmly, one of his hands going around to her mouth.
Emily was dead silence, waiting for another knock or anything.

"Emily, it's me! Open up. I want to talk to you!"

Emily couldn't help the tears that spilled down her cheeks at the sound of Morgan's voice. He was so close but yet so far away.

Will's hand tightened on her mouth at the sound of the other man.

Morgan called her name one more time and only a second later Emily screamed into Will's hand, earning her a hard blow to her head which got her to a state between consciousness and unconsciousness.

She knew that Morgan probably wouldn't have heard it, but at least she had tried to get help.

It got quiet on the other side of the front door and Will continued to pound into Emily's half conscious body.

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