Chapter 4

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Emily inspected herself in the mirror just before she had to drive to work. The make-up was covering all of her bruises on her face and she wore a long sleeved turtle neck to hide her arms and neck.

She had fought back last night. A right hook, kicked him where it hurt the most and scratched his arm. Injuries that JJ had to see and ask about. Or Emily hoped she would. He had given her some too, though. Her stomach was black and blue and the back of her head had bled, making her wonder if she had a concussion. She hadn't dared to sleep in case she wouldn't wake up again.

This time he had stayed off her face though. Seeing the bruise he had left the first time, he knew he couldn't leave marks that were hard to hide. Because he expected her to do just that. Hide them all.

He had threatened Garcia while he was giving her a kick to the abdominal. That she would be so much easier to have some fun with. The happy, colorful blonde would be too scared to do anything. Then he would make sure that she wouldn't tell anyone. He would get into her brain and Emily would never see that same energetic woman again.

It was true. If Will ever laid a hand on Garcia, she would be broken. So Emily had stopped fighting him, not that she could anyways. Her whole body had hurt. She had been around long enough to know that she didn't have any broken ribs, but it didn't change the fact that every part of her body was throbbing in pain.

Today she was going to tell though. She couldn't let it go on like this. He had promised to come back in a couple of days, but she swore to herself that all of this would end before that.

Deciding that she looked representable enough, she grabbed her things and left her apartment. She took the stairs down, but regretted it immediately. The limp was evident as she took the last couple of steps. That was something they were definitely going to notice. She prayed to God that they wouldn't get a case today because frankly, she shouldn't be in the field like this.

Emily stepped inside her car and drove down her street. She kept on going over how to tell JJ what had happened. Would she just go up to her and say 'Hey, you're husband raped me. Twice.'? No she had to say it better. It wasn't just something you brought up. And what would people say? Would JJ even believe that her husband could do something like that? If they would have asked Emily a few days prior, she wouldn't have believed Will was capable of such cruelty.

Was she the one to trigger it?

Shaking her head at her inner conversation, she turned into the parking garage. She remained sitting for a couple of minutes, checking herself in the rearview mirror several times before daring to step out of the vehicle. With her head held high, she walked in a slow pace towards the elevator. The previous limp seemed to disappear if she didn't walk too fast.

The ride up went too fast for her taste. Now she had to face her team and she wasn't really sure if she could do it. After taking a deep breath she finally stepped out of the elevator and walked through the glass doors. Reid was already sitting on his chair talking with JJ who was sitting on his desk.

"Hey, guys," Emily said, casually, as she sat down at her desk, holding back the grimace from her limbs aching.

"Hey, had a nice day off yesterday?" JJ asked with a smile.

Emily returned the smile, masking everything she was feeling, "Yeah, very relaxing," Emily lied. "How about you?"

"It was really nice. We went to the zoo," JJ said.

"Really? The whole family?"

"Yes, we finally got a day to ourselves," she said.

Emily nodded and looked at Reid, "What did you do?"

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