Chapter 16

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Boring was a word she would use to explain the day. Her partner hadn't let her out of his sight all day; he barely let her go to the bathroom alone, so she had spent the entire day inside. She knew the rest of the team was working on tracking Will down, Morgan had spoken to Hotch several times that day, but so far the only lead they had gotten was the motel he'd been staying at. They were too late though. Again.

So now she was back to the endless waiting. Waiting to be let out of her house. Waiting for Will to get thrown in jail.

Her knees were pulled up under her chin, her arms tightly wrapped around them. She was pretending to watch the show Morgan had put on, but she couldn't focus. She didn't even want to be there. Morgan was sweet and all, but it didn't take long until he was smothering her. They'd only spent one day together and she was already going out of her mind.

"Em!" Her partner's voice broke through her thoughts, startling her.

"What?" she said, looking at Morgan.

"I asked if you want something to eat," he said, amusement playing on his lips.

"Sorry, I guess I zoned out a little," Emily sighed.

"You can say that again. So do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good," Emily answered, tightening the grip on her legs.

Morgan nodded and grabbed the empty popcorn bowl. She heard his steps retreat into the kitchen and closed her eyes in exhaustion.

Her eyes opened again at the sound of her cellphone vibrating on the table. Exhaling, she reached over to grab the device and read the incoming text. Unknown number. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, her hands shaking as she tapped her password and opened the text. It felt like her heart stopped when she looked at the picture she'd received. Henry and Julia were sleeping in the backseat of a car. Another text came in with an address. Then a third one telling her to not bring Derek. She didn't have to think hard to know who this was, but she did wonder how the hell he had gotten to them and if JJ was with them. Emily wasn't sure if Hotch had let the blonde go to work or if she'd stayed home alone with the kids and an armed officer guarding the house.

When Morgan came back to the living room, Emily clutched the phone in her hand, hiding it as well as she could so Morgan wouldn't ask any questions. 'Don't bring Derek' the text had said. She heard the silent 'or I'll hurt them' so she decided not to tell the other man. As soon as he had sat down, Emily was on her feet, earning Morgan's attention for the sudden movement.

"I'm really tired so I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap," Emily told him, hoping that it sounded believable enough.

"Okay, hold on, I'm gonna record this," Morgan said, grabbing the remote.

"Derek, I don't need you to babysit me while I'm sleeping, okay? I can do this alone. Keep watching your shows and I'll be downstairs later," Emily said, a bit frustrated, before she walked out of the room, not sure if Morgan would follow her or not.

She walked upstairs to the master bedroom and started pacing the relatively small area as she waited to know if she would remain alone. There was no sound of anyone ascending the stairs so she knew she'd have a head start. Hurrying over to her closet, she grabbed a thicker sweater and threw it over her tank top. With shaky hands she put her hair up in a messy bun and stepped into the boots she also kept in her closet. Before escaping her room she looked over the text again to make sure she had read it correctly, and when she was positive, she pocketed her cellphone and ran over to the window. She was on the second floor, but she knew that she couldn't escape from the first floor with Morgan there.

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