Chapter 6

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A/N Warning: very graphic rape

Chapter 6

They caught the Son of a bitch two days later. Everyone was happy to finally get to go home so they decided to fly back that same night.

Emily wasn't happy however. Sure, she was glad that they caught the man behind this, but she wouldn't mind staying a night or two extra. Anything to avoid going home. She was sure Will would come back tonight or tomorrow, all the texts told her how much he missed her. No, not her. He only wanted her body. The man had a wife and a kid, a family, so Emily was just a sex toy.

The thought of it brought tears to her eyes and she willed herself not to cry with her team so close to her. Some of them were sleeping but she could still feel Morgan's eyes boring a hole in her. He just wouldn't let it go. Though, Emily probably would've done the same if any of her friends started acting strange. Did everyone know that something was up? If they did, they hadn't said anything.

When the jet finally touched ground Emily closed her eyes hard, and inhaled a deep breath. This was it. Her colleagues would all go back to their homes, going to bed, enjoying a much needed sleep. It was 10 pm and Hotch had already told them that the paperwork could wait until the morning.

The jet stopped, and the agents unbuckled and stood up, gathering their go-bags. One after one they piled out of the plane and walked to their cars. Emily paused as she watched most of her colleagues enter the vehicles.

"Are you coming, Em?" JJ asked, her body half turned so she could look at the brunette.

"Yes, sorry," Emily said with an attempted smile.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Some sleep sounds good right about now," Emily said and when JJ smiled she was confident she believed her.

"I know what you mean. I could sleep for days." JJ laughed, stopping by her car. "See you in the morning."
Emily nodded, "Yes, see ya."


It didn't take a profiler to know that something wasn't right when she entered her apartment. The hair on her neck stood up and chills ran down her spine. With too shaky hands she closed the front door, her forehead leaning against the wooden surface.

"How did you get in?" Emily asked without turning around.

"JJ still has extra keys for your apartment," the southern droll she'd learnt to hate told her.

Emily turned around, flicking the light switch. Will stood up from the chair he'd sat in and approached the brunette.

"I want you out of here," Emily spoke through gritted tears.

Will chuckled, "Oh, sweetie, you're not calling the shots here. I am." Will put a hand on her cheek, brushing her hair out of the way.

"No, I am," Emily said, trying her hardest to show no fear. "If you touch me like that again, I will make sure that your wife finds out about everything." Emily decided to not use JJ's name, knowing it would make it even more personal than it already was.

"You're bluffing," Will said, leaning in so his lips were inches from hers. "You wouldn't ruin Jennifer's life like that. You wouldn't ruin Penelope's."

Emily pulled away and opened the door again. "Out! Now!"

Her breathing was shallow as she stared into Will's eyes that only seemed to darken.

"Emily, close that door. We wouldn't want your neighbors to overhear," Will said with a grin.

"Let them find out, let them catch you in the act... I was going to tell your wife the other day, but you stopped it. You won't be there every moment which gives me a lot of time to tell her."

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