Chapter 18

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A/N I don't think I've thanked any of you for reading this story! I can't believe it's gotten this many reads, votes and comments. I expected like 100 reads, no votes and no comments^^ Thank you for sticking with me! If you ever have any suggestions for fics or for this story please shoot me a message:)

"What did you do to her?" JJ demanded to know as soon as Will entered the kitchen.

The blonde had put the kids to bed and tried to find a phone or something that would get them out of there, but she came back empty handed. Of course it would've been easy to just leave while he was with Emily, but he wouldn't hesitate to kill the older woman if she did. Hell, he killed the officer who had been watching JJ and the kids. "She's where she belongs" Will spat and glared at JJ.

She swallowed hard and kept her eyes on him. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing happened to me, sweetheart," he said, approaching her. "I just started to see the world like it truly is. Full of whores who can't wait to throw themselves at men." He cocked his head to the side "Whores like Emily."

"Don't call her that," JJ said through gritted teeth.

"Oh Sweetie," he said sadly and wrapped her into a tight hug. "You're delusional. That woman, who you call your friend, seduced your husband and tore your family apart. She tore us apart." He looked at her and kissed the tip of her nose. "But we will start over now."

JJ gulped, wanting to argue, but she knew there was nothing she could say. The older man had actually called her delusional... As if she'd been the one raping his best friend and then kidnapped his family. She wanted to scoff at that, but she took a deep breath instead.

"What will we do with her? We don't need her." Will pulled away and put his hands on her cheeks, staring into her beautiful blues.

"I'll take care of her, honey. You don't have to worry about a thing." But she was worried. He wouldn't be as kind to Emily. The brunette would never make it out alive unless the team found her or if she knocked Will out.

"Will you kill her?" JJ asked, digging her teeth into her bottom lip.

"You know I have to," he smiled. "But not yet. You will get to say goodbye first."

"Thank you," JJ said, trying to play along. "I'm sorry for bringing her into our home. I can't help but to feel a little responsible." Will pressed his lips against JJ's and then quickly pulled away again.

"Never blame yourself, Jennifer. You didn't know what Emily was capable of."

A time ago, JJ had loved to hear her name come out with that southern accent, but now it made her skin crawl. Just looking at his unfocused eyes and hearing his voice talking about Emily as if she was the monster here, as if she was the one doing something wrong.

"I'm sorry Will," JJ forced a smile. "I will never blame myself again."

That was her plan. To play along until they went to bed because then she would get the upper hand and free Emily and her family. She knew Will would fall for it since all he wanted was his wife back.

"Do you want some coffee?" He asked, still looking at her.

"Yes, I could really us one," she said and sat down on the couch.

She looked at him as he walked to the kitchen and that's when she finally let her guard down. She exhaled a shaky breath and put her head in her hands. Pretending was harder than she thought. Just the smallest thing could make him tick and if she did say something wrong, he could easily get rid of Emily before he said he would.

When he came back she say up straight again and reached out foe the cup. "Thank you... Smells delicious." She smiled softly and took a sip.

He watched her as she drank, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. She didn't want to meet his eyes so she kept her eyes down at all times.

"You're so beautiful," he mumbled and she pretended she didn't hear him. "I'm so happy I didn't lose you."

'You did lose me' she wanted to tell him, but she bit down on her tongue and kept drinking.

When she finished her drink, she put it down on the coffee table and leaned back in her seat. She had longed for a cup of coffee and felt really calm now that she finally got some. She closed her eyes briefly and sighed. She was tired after that long car ride and worrying about Emily. It couldn't hurt to rest her eyes just for one second.
They were all frustrated. Why couldn't they find Will anywhere? It's not like he had a master plan. The man ran on impulses and those should've left something to trace. But so far there wasn't much. Garcia had found a motel where a man, woman and two kids matching their descriptions had been sleeping, but when they checked they were already gone. None of them had recognized the picture of Emily though, which was strange because they knew she was with them. So where had she been? Maybe she looked worse than the others so she had been left in the car while the others got the key... Or she stayed there all night.

Derek didn't like the sound of the second one. The night was chilly that time of the year and she would've felt it even in the car. "I don't like the sound of this," Derek said, crossing his arms.

"We will find them." Hotch wasn't sure he was trying to convince himself or Derek.

They both knew that Garcia was going out of her mind to try to locate their missing friends. She was trying to find houses or buildings Will owned or someone who'd once been close to him owned. So far she had only come up with one house and that was his father's old one in New Orleans and even if the Motel was in the opposite direction there was always a possibility Will was trying to lose them by taking a detour. None of them knew what was going on in the ex cop's mind or what was going to happen to the girls.

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