Chapter 2

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Her entire body was aching when she finally dared to step out of the guest bed she had spent the night in. She hadn't been able to fall asleep, afraid that Will would come back for more. A part of her had wanted to get up and drive home as soon as he had left her alone, but the other part wasn't sure if he would be there waiting for her.

So she had decided to wait until the morning when JJ and the kids would be around, when Will couldn't try anything. Though maybe he didn't even remember what he'd done when the alcohol was gone.

She cursed herself for sounding so weak. The Emily Prentiss everyone knew wouldn't be scared about some guy that she could easily take down. However, the Emily Prentiss everyone knew hadn't been violated by her best friend's husband.

The sound of Henry's laughter and JJ talking alerted her that they were awake. She sat up slowly, moving a hand through her tangled hair and looking around the room. Her panties was thrown on the floor and by the looks of it they really were torn.

With quiet steps, she got out of the bed and walked on her tiptoes over to where her panties lay, picking them up to see if she could still wear them. Shaking her head, she tried to hold back the tears that had only stopped falling an hour before people woke up. She picked up her dress she had removed by herself and put it on, feeling uncomfortable by how naked she was under it.
Her neck was still aching, reminding her of the several bruises she must have. How would she cover that up before anyone saw them? She did have make-up in her purse, but it was still downstairs.

Standing in front of the full length mirror, she looked over herself. Her cheek was turning a darker shade of purple, a bruise was visible at the hem of her dress and her neck had Will's hand print. It was bad.

She knew they had moved to the bottom floor now to cook everyone breakfast. Even Will was happily playing with Henry as if nothing had ever happened.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for the doorknob and twisted it. She quietly opened the door and peaked outside. When she couldn't see anyone she hurried to the upstairs' bathroom where she hoped JJ would stash some foundation and powder. Even if JJ used a different shade, she knew it'd be enough to cover up what had happened last night.

The make-up lay in the bathroom cabinet and without thinking much about what she was doing, she applied a fair amount to all her bruises, except for the one between her legs. She just needed them to be covered when she walked downstairs and left the house. She couldn't have breakfast with them. That would only risk things.

When Emily was done she made a mental note to replace JJ's foundation the next time she stopped by and with one last look in the mirror she exited the bathroom.

As she descended the stairs JJ and Will's voices got more clear. Henry was playing with his sister who was cooing loudly. She stopped halfway down, imagining herself telling JJ everything. Why couldn't she do it? It would be so simple and Will would be out of everyone's life, but then her thoughts traveled to Henry and Julia. Could she really ruin their family like that? No. They needed their father. Besides, what Will did was just because of how much he drank. And he would never do anything like this to JJ. Unless he already was...

"Emily? Is that you?" JJ exited the kitchen, pulling Emily out of her thoughts

"Yes, it's me," Emily said, patting herself on her back for not letting her voice crack as she waked down the last couple of steps.

"Good morning. Will said he convinced you to stay over since it got so late after the cleaning," JJ smiled at the brunette.

"Erhm, yes... I was too tired to drive home I guess," Emily shrugged.

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