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"My turn. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Um. What?

I turn to him, raising my left eyebrow and my right brow facing downwards looking confused.

"How do you do that?" He plays with his eyebrows, furrowing them both up and down at the same time.  When he realises that didn't work, he holds one of his brows down with his fingers and raising the other.

"There I did it!" His face brightens up with his cheerful smile.

"You're such a child. You look stupid," I chuckle at his failed attempt, flicking his ears.

"Ouch!" He hisses in pain, rubbing his ear.

"Oops. I guess I did it too hard. Sorry," I try to sound sympathetic.

I just have the habit of hitting people I'm comfortable with, that relates to me being annoying to everyone.

He also flicks my ears but I could tell he did it softly, but this didn't stop my over dramatic self.

"OUCHHHH!" I pretend to yell in pain, crunching down as I fake a sob.

"Babo! Stop your act, it won't work on me. You look stupid." He laughs. But I continue to act, hoping he would give in eventually.

"This isn't funny," I rage. "It actually hurts, you insensitive asshole." I catch his eyes slightly widen. Maybe I was too harsh, calling him bastard. I was about to stop, but he gave in first.

"Fine fine. What do you want?" He tries to calm me down, and I lowkey smirk. Free food, here I come.

"A kiss to take the pain away?" He adds, my smirk drops, transferring to his face.

I immediately stop, sitting normally on the bench before looking at him with my poker face.

"Geez you're so corny." I roll my eyes at him.

• • •

We continue to tease and tell random stories, slowly opening up to each other. There would be some awkward silence at some point, but the rain's roars help contribute to the silence.

"I wonder what the time is now." I randomly mention as I shiver, staring at the rain that still hasn't calmed down.

"Uhhh," he pulls out his phone and my eyes widen at the sight of it. "11. We've been here for about 1 and a half hour already."

"YOU HAD YOUR PHONE ALL ALONG?" I screech. "You could've called someone to come here and bring an umbrella! And I could've called Hyeji to do the same!" I snatch his phone out his hands making him flinch by my sudden action.

"Woah! Are you an experienced thief?" He jokes.

"Unlock your phone." I hand him back the phone with a pissed look my face.

"1310." He just looks at his phone while I'm still holding it.

"O....kay...." I was surprised at how open he is with his phone.

"What're you tryna do anyway? Look through my camera roll to see my selfies?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes at his over confidence. "I'm calling Hyeji to rescue me from your lame jokes." I put the phone in my ears waiting for Hyeji's pick up.

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