Q&A!!! Part one

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Hello my lovey Potterheads!!! Today we have some amazing questions so I know this Q and A is longgggg over due so I got 16 comments and we are going to go over every question! but because there were so many wonderful qustions im going to break this up into a two part Q&A 
Our first question is from @ArabellaWinterBlack and this persons question is for James potter Sr.
James where the hell are Remus and Sirius! I doubt they supported your choice of giving Harry up
"Well it's quite a funny story actually, when we met with Dumbledore after Voldemort attacked, Sirius brought the idea up, at first we were appalled, I mean give our son up, but then Dumbledore said it would be a good idea, so we all agreed.
"Wow you guys are assholes! Er I mean kat can we have the next question?" Dudley asked
This next question is from @xXFallen_CrystalXx and their question is for Professor Snape
"What stupid question could this person have come up with?" Snape said with a snarl
If you had a chance to see your younger self what advice would you give your self?
"What stupid question! Do I have to answer?" Snape asked
Yes please if you can
" if I must. I would tell myself not to join him." Snape said with a shrug

" and who is him?" James SR. said with a smirk 

James, i will deduct points from Gryffindor!

''fine," James said glaring at Snape 

Ok to defuse the tension lets go onto the next question. 

So this next question is from @Emeraldassasin and their question is for someone who isn't in the story yet, Rumus and Sirius 

Where  are you two and what do you think about  James, your best mate, giving up one of his own sons and may I add the, could be, new generation marauders

"Well it was my idea to be honest, Harry should be honored to be able to help the cause, so i think he just needs to get over himself." said sirius 

"Your some godfather you know that? you suck!" harry said glaring at him

"if i may answer when I found out that they were going to give Harry up, i was appalled, i tried to talk everyone out of it, i just couldn't do it so i stopped talking to them, i was disgusted with my so-called friends  

next question is from Galaxy_Loner_Girl and her question is for Harry

Please punch James Potter JR. for me? He's egotistical!

" I love this question! Sure! come here Potter!"

"What? No! Get away from me!" Potter said as Harry smirked and lunged and then all you heard a SLAP  and Potter's cry of pain

Thats it 20 points from gryffindor! next question is from @Omnomsayer1  and their qustion is for lily and James SR. 

Why do you think you're fit to be parents? you abandoned one of your children and thats putting it mildly.

"we didn't abandon him, we simply asked my sister to take care of him. frankly, your question is stupid and i find it hurtful!" Lily snapped 


"well lily pretty much said it all."

Ok thankyou everyone tune in next week for the other questions 

The Wrong OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora