a class with three Potters

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It had been about a week since the flying lesson the Slytherins had Charms with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw while Hufflepuff had history of magic by themselfs.
When Harry walked in he saw his worst nightmare Lily and James Potter standing in front waiting for the students.
Harry slowly sat in the back surrounded by his friends when Dudley came running in just before the bell rang, and suprising everyone fell into a seat right next to Harry.
"Mr?" Lily asked with pursed lips as dudley looked smug for a minute much to everyone's confusions
"Dursley auntie." He said swinging an arm over Harry's shoulder as Lily paled while James grinned
"Dursley as in muggles?" James asked with fake confusion
"Yea got a problem with it?" Harry asked before Dudley could say anything.
"Ahh Harry my son, get away from those Death Eater children and come sit next to you brother, bring your cousin and Neville." James said thinking Harry would do as he said
"But I am sitting next to my brother. That useless sack isn't my brother, true he might have my blood but he will never be my brother." Harry said glaring at the James who looked shocked while James Jr. Looked hurt and Lily angry.
"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" She hissed angerly
" actually Professor it's Harry Vernon dursley. I don't need a reminder that my blood parents a absolute rubish." Harry said while the Slytherins plus dudley laughed and the other students looked shocked at his words, and James and Lily looked hurt.
"Right well lets start class shawl we." Lily said after clearing her throat.
"Today we will be focusing on the swish and flick technique, this is used in many spells in charms,so everyone quills out, this will be on the test." Lily said as everyone scrambled to get out their parchment and quill well all except Harry.
"Harry dear why arn't you writing this down?" Lily asked as Harry grew angry.
If she thinks she can just Waltz back into my life after 8 years she has another thing coming! Harry thought angerly
" professor, I believe as you are my teacher and nothing more you should use my proper title, we wouldn't want the students think your picking favorites now would we?" Harry said smirking while Lily looked flabbergasted,
"Detention Mr. Dursley with Professor Snape 8:00 pm tonight!" James bellowed having enough of Harry's blank disrespect.
"Ohhh I'm shaking." Harry said sarcastically while Draco snorted a very unslytherin snort
"You two Mr. Malfoy!" James sneered
"If I hear anything other then the sound of quills scratching on paper I will not hesitate to take points!" James SR. Bellowed as everyone quickly got to work, Dudley Draco and Harry passing notes back and forth while taking notes that appeared on the board.
When the bell rang Harry had never been so happy in his life.

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