The Malfoy Ball

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Hey, guys, I'm still looking for questions for my first character interview. so comment!!! now what you've all been waiting for............ the chapter!!!!!

Two hours later Mr. Malfoy walked into Draco's room to find the four boys playing exploding snaps 

"boys." Mr. Malfoys said opening the door and walking in. 

"yes, father?"  Draco asked looking up

"The guests are starting to arrive and Ms. Granger has finally escaped your mother's clutches of fashion. we need you four in the ballroom." Mr. Malfoy said before leaving, followed by the four boys.

when Harry walked into the ballroom he couldn't help but stop in shock. but after a shove from Dudley who was behind him, he quickly snapped out of it and continued walking. After a little while of Harry meeting new people, Harry ran into Hermione and Pansy.

"hey, Pansy, Hermione," he said 

" hey Hello you look very handsome,'' Pansy said shyly

"thankyou Pansy. um, you both look very pretty." Harry replied awkwardly. but it was true the two girls looked very pretty. pansy looked stunning Harry thought to himself.

she was wearing a pale blue dress with rimstones embroidered on the chest area. her hair was curled into little ringlets that flowed perfectly down her back. all in all, Harry thought Pansy Parkinson looked Beautiful.

Hermione also looked nice, she was wearing a light green dress that draped down to the floor and her hair in an elegant bun on her head.   

"thank you, Harry. Have you seen Draco?" Hermione asked 

"I think he was sitting down with his mother last time I saw him," Harry replied pointing out the general area.

"thank you, I'll see you later Pansy," Hermione said before leaving Pansy with Harry

"so... how was your Christmas?" Harry asked

" it was nice. thank you for your gift. I really liked it." pansy replied.

"your welcome. so would you care to uh dance?" harry asked holding out his hand.

" I would love to Harry." Pansy smiled before grabbing his hand so he could lead her to the dance floor.

meanwhile, while Harry was discovering his feeling for Pansy, Draco was trying to hide his from Hermione.

A little while after Hermione left Harry and Pansy she found Draco.

"Hello Draco." she said seeing him sitting talking his mother about something " Mrs. Malfoy." 

"hello dear." Mrs. Malfoy greeted her while Draco looked at Hermione with wide eyes. Mrs. Malfoy noticed her son's lack of words and hid a smirk before turning to her son,

"Draco I need to find your father, go dance with ms. Granger," she said, when Draco looked over at her he saw her hidden smirk and fought down a blush before nodding.

" of course mother," he said before holding out his hand to Hermione. who grabbed it. 

after an hour of dancing, Draco and Hermione took a break and met up with their friends and they spent the rest of the night together.

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