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About a week after the Potter's brief visit was Christmas. Harry woke from his sleep and looked over at Dudley who he was sharing a room with so Neville could have his own. after about a minute of him just stairing a thought came to his mind. It's Christmas!!!!

Harry jumped out of bed after that thought and ran over to dudley who was still sound asleep.

"Dud wake up!!! It's Christmas!!!" Harry yelled while shaking Dudley's shoulder roughly 

"go away Harry!" Dudley said before rolling over.

harry rolled his eyes before smirking 

"well then i guess you don't get your super awesome gift!" Harry sighed and with that Dudley jumped out of bed.

" fine you slimy sytherin! only you would be evil enough to threaten me with my own gift ."

" true my brother, now you wake mum and dad while i wake Nev ok?" Harry said before leaving the room to go to the bedroom next door.

"he's impossible!" Dudley huffed before walking the hallway down to his parent's room.

as Harry walked into the room currently being used by young Neville Longbottom saw that Neville was still emerged in dream land 

fun. though Harry with a smirk.

"NEVILLE WAKE UP!" Harry hollered while jumping up and down on the bed that neville WAS sleeping on. was as in past tense because he was now awake and angry.

"Dursley give me one good reason not to strangle you right now." Neville growled 

"because It's christmas." Harry said slowly back up and headed for the door.

"I don't car if it's bloody boxing day, i'm giving you five seconds to run." neville said takingf a step foward


Harry turned around


he bolted downstairs with Neville following him. as they got to the living room where the tree was submerged in almost a hundred gifts of all shapes and sizes neville stopped chasing harry and stared in amazment at all the gifts, he could even see a few that said to neville on them.

"I have gifts?" Neville asked 

"well yea it's christmas." Dudley said coming up behind him.

"Neville don't you normally get gifts on Christmas?" Harry asked confused 

" No. Gran doesn't give me anything, she says I can only have things i earned and how only idiots celabrate such a stupid holiday. she even made me pay for my own school supplies." Nevile said sadly

" she sounds awful mate." Harry said 

" well you got gifts this year from what I'd say about 20 or 30 of them." Dudley said smiling at Nev. before he could respond Mr. and Mrs. dursley came down stairs in thier robes.

"Morning all." Petunia smiled 

"Morning mum." both harry and dudley said while Neville said 

"good morning Mrs. Dursley."

"lets get to gifts shall we?" Vernon said before distributing gifts for everyone.

at the end harry had 

four new pairs of shoes 

a skateboard 

a basketball

five new pairs of pants 

a new video gaming system 

and a new wand holder. all from his parents 

from Draco he got a book on defense

from pansy he got a big box of chocolate frogs 

from theo a book on charms 

from crabbe he got a container of licorice wands  

goile got him  another book on defense 

Daphne got him more candy 

and Blaise got him a bunch of prank products with a note that said two words on them 

Potter. Weasley.

Dudley got him a videogame for his system apparently he was in on that gift

while Neville got him a book on herbolgy 

And lastly from Hermione he got a homework planner.

what a Ravenclaw

Dudley got shoes, chothes and a gaming system too but while Harry got a basketball Dudley got the hoop.

Daphne, Carbbe and Pansy all gave him a varity of candy 

while Draco gave him a advanced charms book and goile gave him some ink and parchment 

Blaise also gave him a bunch of pranking stuff while hermione gave him a planner too.

and neville gave him a book on defense

theo gave him another book on charms 

Harry got him a computergame

Neville who was the most shocked of all his gifts got

Candy from crabbe 

a herbolgy book from pansy 

another herbogy book from daphne 

a magical plant from draco 

a Planner from Hermione

did she give that to everyone? wondered Harry 

a book on defense from Theo 

very nice dragon hide gloves from Blaise 

A muggle plant book from Dudley 

a Charms book from Harry 

and from petunina and Vernon he got chothes and a very nice wrist watch

"thankyou so much but you didn't have to get me anything." Neville told Harry's parents

" But Neville we wanted to." Petunia said smiling

after gifts the four dursleys and one longbottom spent the day together and paying with their new stuff. Neville really liked the plant which he said was a midnight dust rose. which are exstremly expessive because they only grow in japan.

that night the boys went to sleep happy knowing they would get to see their friends at the Malfoy's party.

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