The Sorting Hat

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" Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly, in a few minutes you will go threw these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats you must be sorted, ill be back in a few minutes, i suggest you try to smarten yourselfs up as much as possible." professor McGonagall said before disappearing behind the doors.

"How are they going to sort us?"Dudley asked nervously
Draco opened his mouth to say something but was cut off

" my Brother told me we have to fight a troll!" said someone behind me. i turned around along with everyone else to see a pale red headed boy covered from head to toe in freckles.

I was about to say something when when the redhead said something else

" He told me, he said him and Fred had to fight it in front of the whole school." the red head said

" er sorry Who are you?" i asked

" you don't know me? I'm Ron Weasley the boy-who-lived best mate!" he said. oh great i just had to run into my twins friend.

"why don't you just go back to the-boy--thinks-he's-amazing weasley." dudley said annoyed

" yes Weasley go back to potter where your wanted." Draco sneered

" oh yea who are you all then?" weasley asked

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."Draco sneered again

"Dudley Dursley." Dudley said glaring at weasley

"why are you hanging out with deatheater children?" Weasley asked

" just go back to that arrogant prick you call a friend weasley." i said glaring at him

" Harry don't talk to him like that." Potter said coming up behind Weasley

(in this chapter McGonagall is going to call harry potter when he gets sorted)

"potter." i sneered

"James who's this? weasley asked smirking at us

" my brother." he said while weasley lost his smirk

"unfortunately." i muttered

" Harry why are you talking to the likes of malfoy, parkinson, and zabini? here come with me so you can make friends with the right sort, you to Dudley, we are cousin after all." James said arrogantly

"i think we can find the right sort for ourself thanks." i said as McGonagall came and taped Potter on the back.

"we're ready for you, if you'll just make a straight line please." she said as we all got in a line with me inbetween Draco and Dudley.

we followed her into the hall, it was so magical, it didn't look like it had a ceiling

" it's enchanted, the ceiling that is, i read about it in Hogwarts a history." i heard a girl say.

"stop here. now when i call your name please come up here and have a seat." McGonagall said

" susan bones." she called

a girl walked up and sat down while McGonagall put a old torn hat on her, after a few minutes it came to life and called out


she took it off and the girl susan ran to the table that erupted in cheers.

i tuned out the rest until she called

''Dudley dursley."

i looked up at the staff table and was shocked to see a shocked red head look up at this, she had my eyes. i looked back at dudley slowly walking to the stool and nervously sit down

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