a challenge

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"Dursley!" Harry heard as he and his friends from both Slytherin and Ravenclaw were leaving the great hall after breakfast the next morning, Harry turned around to see James and Ron storming over looking throughly pissed.

"Potter what can i do for you on this beautiful morning?" Harry said smirking as James got even madder if thats possible.

"Dursley you foul horrible git!" Ron growled 

"And just what are you going to do Weasel?" Draco sneered 

"Draco just dont." said a pale slightly scared Hermione 

after noticing how pale she was dudley asked 

"Hermione are you ok?" 

"ya im fine i just didn't um..... get a lot of sleep?" Hermione said but it came out as more of a question.
"Hermione why are you so pale?" Harry asked already knowing the anwser.
"I um I'm um uh I was cornered by potter and weasley!" Hermione said super fast.
"What!" Blaise growled seeing red
"Blaise please calm down, they are gits, your scaring Hermione." Pansy said calmly as James and Ron watched this happen with smirks on their faces.
"You Potter I challenge you to a wizards dual,Draco's my second who's yours?" Blaise asked smirking as James grew slightly pale before putting up his boy who lived mask
"Ron, midnight charms classroom." James spit.
"No no no. I think Potter here has forgotten his pureblood etiquette when a wizards dual is challenged only the challenger can pick the time and place." Draco sneered at James as he became red.
"Fine where and when, I'll still beat you Slytherin scum." James boasted
" two am the Trophy Room." Blaise said before Hermione jumped out of her shock.
"Stop this both of you, James is a git, don't lose house points for yourselfs over this, I can fight my own battles!" Hermione pleaded
"Shut it mudblood!" Ron scowled causing everyone to glare at him even James
"Incase you have forgotten Weasley, my mother, your godmother is how you put it a 'mudblood'." James hissed
"Sorry mate, I didn't mean it honest." Ron said not looking very sorry.
"Sorry granger." Ron said looking down at her
"See you tonight, and I hope I get to fight weasley!" Draco said dangerously before the Slytherins and Ravenclaw walked away Pansy pulling Hermione with her.

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