Chapter Fourteen

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    Did she just-? Wait..

    Jeremy is so confused, he didn't understand. He wants to talk to Christine.. about her, and through stuff. He didn't see her as dating material, but he didn't want to lose her, if that makes sense.

    Either way.. Michael must hate her...

    He sits blankly in the bathroom stall. He then hears the door open then close. He isn't sure if someone left or just arrived, but he didn't care, and he stays there, trying to figure out everything.

    He didn't know that it was Rich who left the bathroom. Rich heard everything and is concerned for Michael because he now thinks Jeremy is a bit of a douche.

    He decides to tell Jake what happened.

    "Jake! I was in the bathroom and I heard Jeremy talking to Christine!" He whisper-yells, not wanting a lot of people to hear him, "Michael told me they were kinda a thing now, but it's pretty sketchy for him to call his ex. They were talking about Michael and his crash, then they hung up.."

    "God.. well, should we tell Michael? He seems to be in contact with Christine again."

    "I don't know.. should we really medal in their lives?"

    "Well, if I were Michael, I'd rather know what's going on."

    "Yeah.. I know..."

    "Let's make a compromise, if he's awake, we'll tell him, if he's sleeping, we'll let him be, alright?"

    After moments of hesitation, Rich sighs, "Alright."

    Together they walk to Michael's room, and once they got to his room, Rich stands back as to tell Jake to knock.

    Jake chuckles and he knocks on the door. Michael on the other side jumped. He didn't expect any company, let alone them knocking. He had been staring out the window next to his hospital bed window.

    Jake knocked again, "Hey, Michael, you awake?"

    "Oh.. Um... yeah?" He says, confused by Jake's voice. He expected it to be a nurse or something.

    "May we come in?" Jake asks, whilst Rich uncomfortably shuffles towards Jake due to all the weird looks doctors and nurses give them as they walk by.

    "I mean, sure..?" Michael answers. He fumbles with his blanket in his hands. Jake opens the door and walks in with Rich.

    "Michael..." Rich says, "we have something to tell you."

    "Well, it must be bad if you guys are telling me. Am I gonna die?" He jokes, then winces in pain when he laughs. Jake begins choking out a laugh, but Rich elbows his ribs and glares at him.

    "No, Michael... it's about Jeremy." Rich informs tentatively.

    Michael becomes silent, looking serious all of a sudden. "What happened?" He asks, not showing his worry and urge for information.

    Rich takes a deep breath, then, backing out, he looks at Jake to tell Michael.

    "I don't want to. Besides, you were the one there!" Jake whisper-shouts at Rich.

    Michael, almost glaring at their childish acts. This is serious for him. "What. Happened."

    Rich takes a more confident deep breath, as though planning to talk this time, "When I was in the bathroom, I heard Jeremy talking to Christine.." he looks down, as though gathering his thoughts quickly, then continues, "He talked about your car crash, then they hung up. I can't remember all the words, but I-" Jake elbows him, as though for payback for earlier, "we thought you'd want to know."

    Michael's eyes widen as he collects the information. He didn't want to believe it. "What?" is the only word his mouth can form. "Are you sure?"

    Rich walks over to sit next to Michael, as though comforting him slightly, "Well," he says, remembering the conversation, "when the person picked up, he said 'Christine,' as though... relieved." Rich informs. He feels really bad for telling Michael, but he knows Jeremy won't tell him, and Michael deserves to know.

    Michael puts his head in his hands. "But why? Why would he call Christine?"

    "I... I don't know..." Rich says.

    "I wish we could tell you..." Jake adds.

    They both look stumped, and they both feel horrible. Rich side-hugs Michael, comfortingly rubbing his arm.

    Michael leans a bit into Rich's hug. It comforts him, but the thought of Christine and Jeremy together again sends painful jabs to his stomach and heart. Let alone his own pain from the crash, like the throbbing headache.

    Michael rubs his forehead then leans back into his hospital bed, "Well... if Jeremy actually cares, he'll tell me why he called her," he answers bluntly, like all the emotions drained from him. 

    Rich smiles thoughtfully at Michael's words, "You're right. I hope this turns out well for you two; I'm rooting for you!" Rich says, he then gets up, "Jake and I should go now, though. We've been here too long as is."

    "Yeah, little buddy, we'll come back tomorrow to check up on you," Jake says.

    "Okay. Thanks Rich, Jake." Michael smiles weakly, "I'll be here all week." He chuckles at his own joke. Rich and Jake join in with light chuckling, then with a final "Bye, Michael," they leave him to his own devices.


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