Chapter Twelve

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    Hours go by and Christine, now with all three of her roommates in the living room, notices that Jeremy doesn't answer her message.

    "Ugh.. this is ridiculous.. what was I thinking, sending this, anyways..?" Christine says, giving up on it all.

    One of her roommates, Lavender, grabs her shoulder and smiles at her reassuringly, "It's okay, Christine, we've all done stuff we regretted, especially with trying to get back with exes."

    Kadence, along with her other roommate, Viviola, nods to Lavender's statement.

    "Yeah," Kadence adds, "plus, he doesn't know what he's missing without you."

    Christine isn't sure if her roommates' responses really makes her feel any better, but she acts like it did.

    She laughs slightly, "Thanks guys.."

    "Now," Says Viviola, "let's go out tonight!"

    All of Christine's roommates were cheering, and nudging for her to join along with it.

    Might as well...

    So she gets up and cheered along with them.

    Back in New Jersey, Jeremy is still thinking of that stupid message.

    Would he show Michael? Michael would know what to do, but Jeremy doesn't wanna freak him out, either..

    Ugh.. I don't know... can't I just come up with a plan without Michael..?

    He definitely doesn't feel like he can. Why would he? For the longest time, he wouldn't make a big decision without Michael there.. Michael's his player two; his best friend. Maybe more now.. but Jeremy knows that he needs Michael for this decision.

    And yet he's the first person Jeremy doesn't want to tell. 

    Jeremy decides to go check on Michael again.

    He finds the door he vaguely remembers and knocks on it.

    "Er- yea..?" Michael answers, startled by the random knock.

    Jeremy opens the door and walks in, "Hey, Michael, how are you feeling?" He asks his injured (boy)friend, trying to hide his racing heartbeat.

    "Well, other than mutual numbness due to the medicine they gave me, pretty alright," he jokes.

    Jeremy realizes it's supposed to be a joke, and he laughs, then walks to the side of Michael's hospital bed, "Yea.. Michael, look, I'm sorry about this morning.."

    Michael looks at Jeremy, confused, "Why are you sorry-?"

    "I took your glasses this morning- it was supposed to be fun.. and look at what happened..." Jeremy looks to the side, he feels really bad about all this happening.

    "Jer, no, it's not your fault.."

    Jeremy perks up, looking back at Michael as he continues to talk.

    "I was the one who decided to go driving without my glasses.. and I also texted while driving..." Michael starts to feel guilty.. more than he had already felt.

    He feels all the more guilty because of the worry in Jeremy's eyes.

    "No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! If I didn't take your glasses, you wouldn't have had the opportunity to leave without them.. and I wouldn't be messaging you in worry about all of this, so it's my faul-"

    "Jeremy.. I understand that you want to blame yourself for this, but you don't have to, I promise.."


    "Besides," Michael continues, "I'm okay, I might be hurt, but I could be dead right now."

    Jeremy shudders at that thought.

    "... you're right.. we don't have to argue about who's fault it is.. cuz.. what's the point?"

    Michael smiles at Jeremy weakly, "There you go, Jer."

    Jeremy hugs Michael again, and kisses him on the forehead and he leaves him.. again. .

    Jeremy's thoughts quickly switch back to Christine.. and he has a sudden urge to cry.

    I can't cry.... well.. at least.. not out here, in front of people..

    With that, he walks as calmly as possible to the bathroom.


    609 Words

Don't You Love Me? (Jeremy X Michael)Where stories live. Discover now