Chapter 8 - White Rooms and Strange Voices

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Already I feel the sleep leaking from my eyes and my neck aches. Really bad... I try to adjust my position and find I am trapped. Wait where am I?

I force my eyes to open and glance around at my surroundings. Blindingly white walls stare back at me, reflecting light from the bright lights on the ceiling of this small room.

It looks like all that's in this room is whatever I'm lying on... I think it's a bed? Or an operating table...

Everything in here is bleach white; the walls, ceiling, floor, door, sheets, I'm even dressed in pure white (almost doctor-like) clothes.

All of a sudden I hear low rumbling voices outside of the room and I can barely make out what they say. "Soon, it's going to wear off, and..." I couldn't make out the rest of that sentence.

Then another voice started speaking. "What do we do with the other one? He's supposed to stay there, but there's not another portal for..." I couldn't hear them after that, but realized their voices were coming from a little vent in the lower right corner of the room.

I start to sit up but feel really light-headed and decide it's best to just lie back down. I start to put the pieces together:

The last thing I remember is fighting off two guys who then "tranquilized" Jack and I. Now I'm in a pure white room and some voices just spoke about a portal, so I'm pretty sure I'm in something that has to do with time and the future. I really hope we're with the Restorance...

I'm jerked out of my thoughts by heels clicking down a hallway and female voices. "The Superior called... "

"-meeting for all officers not on superiority missions"

Their voices fade down the hall along with the clicking of their heels. I wonder what I'm supposed to be doing here and what happened to Jack. I think of the worst; what if we're with the Time Force, his enemy?

Well they couldn't really do anything to him because they already banished him to 2014, so what more could they do? It's not like he did anything wrong...

I lie there for what feels like eternity, waiting for something to happen and wishing I had my own clothes and some food. Soon I hear a commotion.

The meeting with "The Superior" or whoever must have ended because I hear even paced echoing footsteps and small chatting coming from the vent. Someone stops in front of my door and I hear the doorknob rattle. Muffled sounds leak through the crack under the door and my mind races.

Should I pretend I'm asleep? Play dumb? Tell them the truth?

The door swings open and a tallish man who's balding, has tiny black square glasses, and looks like he needs to lay off the sugar walks in.

"Name." He demands, looking tired and annoyed. It seems like he asks that a lot.

"Ummm what?" I reply, basically just stalling for time. What do I say? Should I play dumb? Should I give a fake name?

The man forces a sigh. "State your name." He pulls out a clipboard from behind him and a pen from the side of his ear. I decide to just go with the truth. The truth is never wrong, is it?

"Riley Barkley." I reply rather quietly. He jots it down on his clipboard. "You should meet with The Superiorities as soon as possible." He states in his monotone voice.

I don't know what else to do, so I just nod and look away. The man turns on his heel and is about to swing the bleach white door open before I stop him suddenly, not knowing what I am saying.

"Wait, where am I?" I ask quickly. The balding man stares at me from over his square glasses. "Time Force Headquarters, year 2079."

I sit there, stunned. 2079? So now I'm in the future? I want to ask a million questions, including where Jack is and what I'm supposed to do now, but I keep my mouth shut. I think I have a pretty good idea of what they're going to do to Jack, because he is with Restorance and already punished. It's definitely not going to be something good.


I cannot stand this anymore. I've been in this stupid white room for what seems like a million hours. No one else has come into my room since the pudgy balding guy and I am so hungry.

I make a pact with myself that if someone doesn't come in and nothing happens for the next few minutes, I am going to get up and explore. Mainly to try and find food... My grumbling stomach reminds me. I feel like I'm always hungry these days.

Several moments pass and I hear nothing so I get up and quietly tiptoe towards the door. I put my hand on the cold metal doorknob and lightly twist it to the right. It sticks. I jiggle the knob a few times. Still stuck.

Well duh, or course they would lock it! I think, mentally face palming myself. I walk over to the little vent, sit down criss-cross on the floor, and peer through the cracks. I can see a little bit into the next room, but I just spot the bottom of some chair legs and a table- I think.

The vent is held down pretty tightly by screws, but I still try to pry it loose. My fingers run along the edges to try to find a weak spot, which I don't.

At this point I realize I can't get out, and have no way to exit. I sigh, and let myself flop down on my back, lying down facing the ceiling. I don't even care if I'm on the floor. I think until my brain feels fried and drift off to a dreamless sleep without even knowing it.

Click, click. The door handle rattles ferociously and I jolt awake, not even knowing how I fell asleep. I sit up and my back is to the door when I hear a familiar voice.


A/N: sorry I haven't updated for, like, months.... Yeah I didn't really know where to go with this story but I want to stick with it a little more so bear with me :/ if you have any suggestions please comment because this story could really go anywhere! Thanks for reading this story and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 472 READS OMG :) please vote, comment, and share with your friends! :)

<3 Anna

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