Chapter 6- Tired

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I just stared at him blankly. It all made sense. The earthquakes, the time traveling, his mysteriousness. So that means when I was in 2064, the Time Force was just getting started. "So how did that time cloud work?" I ask.

"That was one of the earlier ways of time traveling, so it was pretty difficult to manipulate and would sometimes shoot you to random times in history, which is what happened to you," Jack explains.

My brain is tired from thinking about all of this, but that does make sense. Well at least as much as time travel can make sense... "Wouldn't there be a lot more of those earthquakes if the Time Force is constantly changing time?"

Jack nodded. "There is. Most of them are just so small you can't feel them. I can feel a lot of them, though, because I was trained to. Like just about five minutes ago there was a small one." Jack says as he glances at his watch.

"Oh wow....." I mutter. I'm really just trying to wrap my brain around this whole thing right now. "I feel like there's so much more to this." I say curiously.

Jack smiled. "There is... Oh believe me, there is." The smile left his face and he let out a sigh. "I suppose you want to hear everything..."

"Actually, you're going to be really surprised, but no. Not right now." I say getting out of my chair.

Jack lifted an eyebrow. "Really? Umm ok..." He seemed confused.

I giggled. "Believe me, I do, but I am extremely tired right now." I say, sleepily walking over to his couch. "Mind if I-"

"Oh yeah sure no problem," Jack cut me off. "Actually you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Uhm ok..." I mutter sleepily as he rushes off to change the sheets or whatever. I think I'll just sit on the couch and wait for him.


"Hurry up! They're about to start!" I shout and giggle as I look behind me while running through the damp grass. It was dusk, and the fireflies were out.

"Jeez, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Seth shouts after me. I laugh and run even faster so I beat him there. In a few seconds, I feel the rough familiar wood of my favorite climbing tree on my hands.

"Ha!" I manage to say, out of breath. I lean against the tree as Seth runs up to me. Gasping for air, he says, "I'll get you someday..."

I look at him. "You've had 16 years... How much longer do you need?" I laugh at him and he gives me a look. his sandy brown hair is messed up as he says, "I'll get you when you're least expecting it." I roll my eyes even though he can't see me in the dark.

Just then, the first one lights up the sky. BOOM. CRACK. We both smile and look up at the little pieces of light scattering and reflecting on the lake; free falling before they disappear.

Another firework lights up the sky. CRACK! POP! These are my favorite. July nights by the lake watching the beautiful fireworks and fireflies with my best friend...


Leather couch,

fluffy blanket,

brown walls

and a.... Screen of some sort? Oh wait I remember learning about those things in history! I think they're called televisions? TVs?

Where the heck am I? I turn over and look at the end of the couch. There's a guy sleeping sitting up with his mouth hanging op- OH YEAH.

Everything comes rushing back to me. I am almost on the brink of tears. "Why?!" I squeeze my eyes shut and try to go back to sleep, to my peaceful, simple dreams of Seth. A few tears squeeze out of my eyes and roll down my cheek.

I look at Jack, who looks perfectly content sleeping while sitting on the couch. What time is it? I wipe my eyes, sit up, and look around for a clock. There's a digital clock attached to the TV that reads 3:09 a.m. When did I fall asleep here? Last thing I remember is being really tired and Jack going to get his bed ready. Whoops. I must have fallen asleep back when it was like 6pm.

Well now that I'm up, I'm not gonna be able to go to sleep again. Darn, and I was having such a good dream! I really miss Seth and those summer nights. It was perfect! Why did I have to jump into that stupid time warped cloud?!

I hope he's ok. I mean what happened to him? Was he transported to another time? Maybe he's here in 2014! I think hopefully. But probably not. With my luck, he's probably in dinosaur ages or in the middle of WWIII or something.

I can't decide who to blame. Do I blame myself? Seth? The scientists? The Time Force? The Restorance? Maybe everyone. Or no one.

I just want my life to be the way it was before. Just a normal teenage girl, with a normal life. Jack moves and starts to snore. I giggle quietly at him. He's actually quite good-looking.

He has a chiseled face with a sharp jawline. His normally neat dark hair is messed up and his breathing-er snoring- is rhythmic and slow as his defined chest rises and falls through his shirt.

Wait a minute. If he was about 20 years old in 2070, that means he was born around 2050. I do some quick calculations. I was born in 2048. So technically we would be about the same age. But our bodies are not the same age because he's older than me right now. More like 20 instead of 16. I wonder if he ages while he's stuck in 2014.

Ugh there are millions of unanswered questions I have. I figure, hey, 3 am is a perfect time to have deep conversations, right? I get up and throw my hair into a bun. Ew, I really need to take a shower and get some new clothes. I rustle around the apartment, purposely making noise to try to wake Jack up.

I "accidentally" hit the coffee table with my leg, fluff the blankets, turn in the lights, clear my throat a few million times, go to the bathroom, and even get a drink of water and he STILL doesn't wake up. God, this guy is a really heavy sleeper.

I don't really want to go over to him and shake him awake, but he leaves me no choice. He also looks very uncomfortable, so hey, I'm saving him from neck cramps in the morning.

"Jack..." I say as I tap his shoulder. "Waky waky!!!" He grunts and rolls over then almost slaps me in the face by waving me away with his hand. "C'mon Jack......"

He opens one eye and peers at me groggily. Then a look of recognition crosses his face and he sits up. "Riley?" he looks around. "oh God, I must have fallen asleep on the couch too. You just looked so peaceful I hated to wake you up, but I must have fallen asleep here too." Jack chuckles nervously.

"Its fine," I reply, "I just woke up and I was bored so I woke you up?" I give my best puppy dog look. Jack breaks into a grin and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Well, as long as we're up, you want something to eat?"

"That would be great," I reply, my stomach growling.

Jack clunks around the kitchen, probably waking up all the apartments around him. "Let's see here... How about blueberry pancakes?"

I sit there and stare at him with my mouth gaping open. That's exactly what Seth made this morning. I get a knot in my throat. Ugh why am I getting so emotional? Because you miss Seth, that's why... I tell myself.

"W-what?" I stammer. Jack looks so confused. "Uhh you don't like blueberry pancakes?"

I smile. "No I love them."


Sorry for the sucky chapter guys.... Hopefully the next one will be longer and more exciting haha :) PLEASEE VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW :) love ya!

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