Start from the beginning

"What can I say? I was excited to see you." I whispered out, half-lying. I would always be excited to see Roman, even if it was the smallest part of me. Today, terrible nerves overpowered that little spark of excitement.

"Yeah?" He playfully nudged my chin with his hand. I nodded, shyly biting down on my bottom lip from the intense way he was watching me.

"Well, I can't blame you for that." He winked, making me playfully roll my eyes at him. His hand trailed down to mine and he grasped it in his, tugging me forward. I forced myself to follow, the reminder that I needed to tell him what was laying heavy on my shoulders.

"I just started my break," He shared, taking us over to the hay barrel we always sat on. "You haven't eaten yet, right?"

I shook my head, biting my tongue and holding back that I had barely eaten over the past eleven days.

"Good." He sat down and placed me side ways in his lap. My brows furrowed as I watched him pick up a plastic bag from his backpack, which was open and laying on the floor. He took out a container, my stomach rumbling at the strong aroma which floated into my nostrils.

"Home made tomato pasta, professionally, skilfully prepared by yours truly." He grinned. My brows raised up in surprise and a small, genuine smile etched onto my lips.

"You made this?" I asked, glancing at the container holding the pasta.

"Si," He opened it up and handed me a fork. "That, of course, after learning from my wonderful teacher... How does it taste?"

I welcomed the forkful into my mouth, it tasting like it was meant for my stomach. For my taste buds. 

"It's..." I absently brought another forkful into my mouth. "Really... Nice."

I could feel him watching me in amusement, a chuckle leaving him. 

"Oh sorry," I gasped, when realizing I was eating his lunch, immediately dropping my fork back. "I didn't realize."

"Don't be," He gently squeezed my thigh. "I'm not that hungry anyway. You have it, princess."

I shook my head, heat rushing up to my face. "N-No, you eat it. I just got carried away, you done really well with it... It's really nice."

"Sweetheart," He lowly called. "Seriously, you have it. There's leftover at home, I can have that when I get home. Besides, I really am not that hungry."

My stare lingered on him. I couldn't help but feel bad for taking his food. I'm sure he was hungry and was just being kind by giving it to me. However, the hunger I felt for the pasta overpowered my guilt and I felt myself shyly accepting his offer.

"Grazie," I mumbled, blushing.

He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss against my cheek. "You're cute, you know that?"

I blushed harder, which only earned another low laugh to fall from him. 

"Actually... How about we both eat it together?" I found myself suggesting, feeling bad knowing he would have to wait another four hours before he would have the chance to eat.


"Roman, please." I gently pressed. 

"Fine," He sighed, licking his lips. "But if that's how it's going to be, let me feed you."

I could do nothing but comply with his suggestion. He seemed to enjoy bringing the food up to my mouth and watch me eat it. He would smile and occasionally peck my lips, murmuring how he loved me so much. 

My heart dropped when he uttered those words and I felt my throat choke up. Tears that were uncontrollable rolled out of my yes, slowly gliding my face. I wasn't sure why I started breaking down in his arms, but I believed it was the guilt which was dancing around inside of me.

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