stinky breaths

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Daniel giggled softly, the pen in his hand shaking as he does so. He carefully holds in his breath, the skin before him as beautiful a canvas. The ink lightly soaks the skin, before the pattern completes.

Young ae's face was enhanced with the black coloured drawings Daniel had done. A tiny droplet of water was drawn beside her nostril with words "Daniel's" etched onto her forehead. She snores a little louder, her body turning to hug the pillow she was holding. Daniel had settled her in between him, the sudden movement almost causes him to loose his stance.

He laughed a little louder but not enough for it to be heard by the lad in a deep slumber. He added wavy lines onto her brows.

Daniel had invited himself over to sleep because he decided he was too tired to return and actually just wanted to spend the night with her. He let out a loud snort before his legs were removed from her sides and he was no longer hovering over her. Daniel chuckled before he rolled and landed onto the floor.

"Cute." He commenter before lifting himself of the floor and going to the bathroom to wash up. Young ae groaned when the blinds had been drawn and the sunlight was getting stronger. The dear beloved blankets were of no use to block her from the rays as they were rather see through.

She fluttered open her eyes, rubbing them slightly. She run her hands through her hair to removed the tangles. Young ae sat up staring straight at the Woojin's tooth pic which was still stuck onto her ash grey wall.

She smacked her lips before she plopped her face into the blankets, groaning at how she felt so tired.

"Oh you're up?" Daniel's deep gruffly voice could be heard as hot steam wafted out from the bathroom into the room with the smell of sweet watermelon aroma.

Daniel was dripping with water, the towel soaking as much water as it could take. Daniel wasn't dressed in a shirt or anything underneath the fluffy but thin towel. He ruffled his hair with the towel, a small smirk forming on his lips. His features full in view for her while young ae's eyes fell from his glowing face to his defined torso and built arms. She scanned him unconsciously like it was an orderly manner that she practiced. Her mind was heated with thoughts.

Young ae blushed slightly, she gulped down a ball of saliva while she diverted her attention away from the muscle peach in front of her. She coughed slightly, looking down as her fell which covered the blushing cheeks from his view.

"Like what you see?" Daniel teased with a small giggle. He pranced towards young ae before settling himself right in front of her on the bed.

Daniel brought his head in front of her, staring into her eyes. Young ae broke into a smile, her eyes locking with his.

"Give me a kiss." Daniel asked boldly. His smug grin was not going to be wiped off any time soon.

Young ae gasped, before she strongly declined. "Your breath stinks." She answered while she rolled of the bed. She fell onto the floor and giggled at herself.

"Really? I guess i should buy a different brand." He muttered to himself and turn back to face young ae.

"Wait shouldn't it be you whose breath stinks?" Daniel questioned.

"Yah!" Young ae whined while she cupped her mouth with her hand. She groaned and proceeded to stomped into the washroom to freshen up.

Daniel chuckled before he quickly exited the room, knowing what was coming.

Young ae scratched her cheeks that felt rather itchy, when her gaze landed on her nails, she realised they were lined with black debris or such. Young ae turned to the mirror her eyes widening in shock. A loud screech that almost broke mirrors sounded.

"Kang Euigon!" She bellowed while her voice sent a chill down Daniel's spine. He giggled quietly before he ran into the living space and hid behind a couch.

Young ae softly slapped her cheeks before she rolled her eyes so far back she could take a glimpse of her beautifully empty brain. She pressed the foam face wash dispenser with great force, pumping a generous amount before she mushed her face into it. She harshly messaged her face, the foam slowly turning black from the ink on her skin. Her furrowed eyebrows made her look rather scary and it seemed like her mood was shown by the colour of the foam.

After a few round of harsh scrubbing, her white milky dewy skin could be seen and her ever so angry face instead never left. She clenched her teeth, carefully stomping out of the bathroom as too not slip on the wet floor. She wrinkled her toes into the warm cloth on the floor before she walked out, her anger bursting.

"You little scum, i will shred your smal-" Her sentence was stopped midway as a warm smell of matcha latte and maple drizzled fresh waffles traveller up her nose. Her eyes slowly closed, Young ae took a deep breath. Slowly inhaling the sweet smells. She grinned in delight, her foul sour mood was instantly converted into a happy sweet one.

She watched Daniel flipped the pancakes, skilfully plating them and adding toppings that enhances the flavour. A apron was wrapped loosely around his waist. He was wearing only a pair of sweat pants, the apron giving a full view of his broad shoulders and back muscles. He smirked and his confidence flew to the roof. He did actions exaggeratedly, purposely flexing to give her a nice show to watch.

Unfortunately, Young ae's eyes never left the set of pancakes. At this point, she couldn't care less about the half naked hot guy that is cooking for her (okay maybe just a little), her eyes were fixated onto the chocolate syrup that dripped onto the plating, topped with fresh strawberries and bananas.

Another was with whipped cream, sprinkles and maple syrup. the fluffy pancakes made her mind go blank, internally wanting to just shove everything into her small mouth at one shot.

"You sure know how to make me forgive you......-"

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