Strange dreams

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After a few sharp turns and small alleys, we arrived at his house. It was.... well it was huge. Who knew being a reaper payed so well?

"Damn." Was all I could say.
"Heh yeah it's not too much, but it's the only place I can call home."

"Not too much?! It's bigger than my house AND garden. And in case you haven't noticed my garden is very large."

He laughed at my incredulous tone.
"Yes I had to live with you for almost 17 years Nova of course I know what your garden looks like."

Still, he scratched the back of his neck, seeming flattered. "But I mean yeah I guess it's not very small."
It was my turn to laugh at him. "Yeah I guess so" I murmured through my smile.

When I looked up to him, he was smiling too. It was quite breathtaking.
His whole aura was usually so quiet and mysterious, and yet here I was, able to make him smile; such an innocent act. It almost didn't fit with his face.

I gently shook my head to get rid of the silly thoughts. It was just a simple smile after all.

"So.. are you coming?" It weeks that while I was busy fangirling over his face he had already entered the house and was now waiting in a spacious hallway for me.

"Oh whoops sorry I was daydreaming"

He chuckled. "Yes you often space out don't you."
His tone showed that it clearly wasn't a question. He knew me too well.

Ignoring his statement, I followed him into the house.

The whole building was extremely modern. Full of glass walls and small water fountains, with dark marble floors that seemed to be reflected into every reflective surface, creating a much darker but calmer atmosphere.

I walked forward until I found some sort of living room. The sofas seemed to be made of black leather, and damn they looked comfortable.
Actually looking at sofas made me realise just how tired I was.

My eyes were sore and my body was aching, and all I wished to do was sleep.
And so, with a loud thud I threw myself on the sofas and let the layers of leather swallow my fatigued body.

Even without opening my eyes I could already sense Isa shaking his head disapprovingly; honestly though, I couldn't care less. I was way too tired to deal with his bullshit.

Surprisingly, he didn't say anything for the whole night, and neither did I. God all I wished to do was sleep, but I was wide awake. I must've been laying with my eyes closed for about 40 minutes, when I felt Isa quietly shuffle towards my sofa and place a blanket on my body, his touch lingering as if he didn't quite want to move away; but he did.

After quite a few hours sleep finally took over my tired mind and i fell into a deep slumber.

My dreams were quite abstract and for some reason were accompanied by 50s music. Although that might've been due to the fact that I had recently watched an old movie that contained quite a bit of 50s music.

Anyway, I'm going off track. As I was saying, my dreams were quite strange and didn't seem to have a beginning or an end (although arguably that's what it's like for most dreams).

They were mostly about home- more like nightmares rather than dreams in this case- and Isa. Somehow he always appears in my dreams, as though I haven't had enough of him in real life.

Even now, I can almost hear him complaining:

"Oh please how can you say that when you pretty much went crazy the second I left you alone for a few days!" And yeah I guess it is quite true if you were to put it that way, but nonetheless, it's strange how he always appears in my dreams as well.

The structure of my dreams was quite hectic and the location kept switching, taking me with it.

It vaguely reminded me of going to the theatre and watching a play:
No matter what I did, no matter how much I wished to help the characters, I was absolutely powerless, left to watch as the scenes unfolded before me.
Also, the way everything kept changing also reminded me of the way scenes and Acts change in a play; swiftly, one after another, dragging me to a completely new story again and again.

Now I was awake, and judging by the light shining through the windows it seemed to be early morning- I'd say about 8-9ish.

Looking down at myself, I noticed the that I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday.

Swiftly, I took off my jeans, leaving just the long shirt (so long that it was more like a dress) on. It was way too warm for those jeans anyway.

I lay on the sofa for a few more minutes, contemplating what to do next, since Isa seemed to be nowhere near and I was already bored.

So, I decided to let my curiosity win and allowed myself to explore the house.

Hey guys I finally updated, you proud? After like a month (or more) of being inactive, I actually wrote a new chapter, the longest one so far (862 words, not counting the "authors note" thing at the end) I feel very accomplished and achieved 😂😅


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