new surroundings

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The second I saw it, we fell right through it. I wanted to yell out to Isa to take care, but I was too late. I closed my eyes tightly once again, and hoped for the best, waiting for the impact with the water.

However, it never came.

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the drastic landscape change. Instead of being surrounded by dark murky water, we were in.... a cave?

"Um what exactly are we doing in a cave?" I suspiciously asked. "And how did we get here? Last time I checked, we were heading curiously slow towards the water."

Aaaaaaand he completely ignored me. Again. Ugh.

I furiously blew a strand of hair from my face and crossed my arms, creating a defensive pose.

"I refuse to go with you anywhere until I get some explanations." I demanded, straightening my shoulders and standing taller in order to give the impression that I was confident; however in reality I was pissing my pants with worry and anxiety about what was yet to come.

But he didn't need to know about that.

"You know I can see right through you, right?" He took a step closer, smirking.

But he did know. Of course he did.

Sometimes I seem to forget that he's been with me my whole life. But in my defence, our world hardly knows anything about reapers, so how was I supposed to know exactly how much he knew?

"W-well, um" and there goes my confidence. "How was I supposed to know how much you know about me? I literally only found out that you could talk, or that you even had a name, what? Like 10 minutes ago?" I tried regaining my pose, but it was too late. He's right. He can really see right through me.

"Are you done ranting?" He asked, clearly bored.

I refused to answer him, instead proceeding to stare right into his cold lifeless eyes.

He was clearly not happy with my response, but taking it as a yes, he began nonetheless.

"First of all, when I ask a question, I demand an answer. I'm not in the mood to your petty tantrums, so you better fucking listen."

Hearing him swear and speak in such authoritative tone shocked me.

"Second of all, yes, we are in a cave, but I'm planning on leaving it the minute I finish my points. We got here through a portal. Our worlds have always been separate, although there are certain areas where the veil is much thinner and its easier for certain mortals to cross.

We are not in your world anymore.

Welcome to my home." he finished, raising his arms above his head, gesturing to everything around him.

Then, with one last look at my gaping face, he turned around and stalked off.

Isa, my ReaperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang