Where are we going?

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This time, for some reason, I was not afraid anymore. Maybe it was the confident look in his eyes, or the fact that the adrenaline rushing through my veins felt heavenly, but I didn't close my eyes.

Seeing the world rush past me in slow motion.. but something felt off. My body and thoughts were moving at the same speed, while the world was rushing past us in slow motion. I turned my head towards Isa, and seeing him smile contently, I did something quite unexpected.

I laughed.

My laugh bounced off the cliffs' walls, creating a ghostly echo. However, soon enough my laugh was accompanied by Isa's, as he looked back at me.

Seeing him truly laugh, while looking at me in such a loving and innocent manner, made me feel all warm and fluttery inside.

What the hell is wrong with you? I thought to myself. You can't just fall in love with your reaper! No one's ever heard of such nonsense. But then again, no one thought that reapers could speak, and yet here he was, proving them wrong, even laughing! Ah. His laugh. So contagious.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise how close we were to the water, until I felt it splash my face.

"Woah!" I yelled surprised. "We're gonna drown! I can't swim that well and the water looks really deep!" I said worried.

He chuckled in response. "Don't worry. Look Nova, look closer. Try to see past the water." He said encouragingly.

And so, I looked. I let my eyes loose, no longer trying to look for anything in particular. My vision unfocused, and the I saw it.

It was like a mist, clouding the water. It didn't look unnatural, but it also didn't look normal.

Heyyyyyyyy ik author notes are annoying but i just wanted to say sorry for the short chapter but it hasn't been the best of times- oh wait. why am I even writing this. let's be honest, no one's gonna ever read this yay. I'll try to add another chapter tomorrow but I can't promise anything 

Author, out. *dramatic mic drop* >~<

Isa, my ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now