Yellow taxis

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Our pace quickened as we entered the city. I still had no idea what our exact destination was, but I had given up on interrogating Isa a long time ago. When we were on the hill, the city looked quite far away, but I soon came to the conclusion that it must've been an illusion since after merely a few minutes, we were already on the outskirts and already apparently looking for a taxi (it was mostly Isa doing all the work since I was still looking around like a lost child).
Once we found a yellow taxi (much to my amusement) we hopped in and we were off on our way. To where, I had no idea yet.

However, it was only in the quiet taxi that it actually downed on me: my parents.
How could I have been that stupid!? Gosh they're gonna be sooooo worried. Oh who cares about them being worried! I'm gonna be SO dead once I come back! I might as well arrange my funeral because they're gonna kill me. Or if they don't, I'm probably going to be grounded for life.

The shock of the realisation caused me to bolt upright and yell: "SHIT."
Let's just say that Isa was quite.... surprised by my sudden outburst.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." (Can a reaper even get heart attacks? I'll have to ask him later). He uncrossed his legs and looked at me. "What is it?"

"My parents! They're gonna be so worried and they're gonna probably call the police or go search for me god I'm so dead I'm gonna get grounded for lif- what!?" Less than 5 seconds after my rant started, he started chuckling, which descended into a full on laugh, which definitely didn't help with my panicked mood.

"Chill woman. Time here works differently. What here might feel like months, is mere hours in your world."

"Oh.." was all I could mutter. "Well uhm I guess there's nothing to worry about then. Good good..." and just like that, we went back to sitting in silence; I thinking while admiring the surroundings, and him probably regretting ever opening his mouth to me as a baby.

Soon however, the taxi stopped and Isa payed the driver in some kind of silver coins. They didn't look like any kind of money I've even seen. Although I didn't pay them much attention, since I was too busy catching up to Isa, as he took off leaving me alone, once again.

"Hey Isa. So like.. I wanna know exactly where we are going."
I tried to make my tone as serious as possible, even though it was kinda hard since he was quite a lot taller than me (at least a foot taller), making me have to constantly stretch my neck upwards when talking to him.

Fortunately he had the decency of stopping and facing me instead of just rushing off again.
"We're going to my place. There's some things that we need to discuss and that I need to check."

"Oh ok. Do they involve me by any chance?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Yes." He didn't bother developing his answer, so I had to wait until we got to his 'place'.

Imma start writing the next chapter today. I'm really proud for actually (kinda) getting over my writer's block bc it was soooo
annoying. But it's all good now :]

539 words guys be proud bc I am (kinda) lol 😅

Isa, my ReaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora