The city of the Undead

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I quickly followed him, my fear of getting lost winning against my pride.

"Where are we going now?" I asked in a cheerful tone while skipping alongside him.

"To the City of the Undead." he said with a serious face. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the ridiculous name. However, my laughing fit was cut short by the warning look he gave me.

Awkwardly cleaning my throat, I matched his serious tone and asked: "Is that its actual name?" he chuckled in response.

"Obviously not. We're dead, not stupid."

"oh" was all I could mutter in response as he quickened his pace, leaving me slightly behind, deep in thought.

After about 10 minutes we halted. This caused me to look up, coming face to face with the city of the undead, as Isa called it.

We finally arrived. The sky was now completely dark and no stars or moon could be seen.

Looking back, the cave which we found ourselves in was truly concealed, its grey walls covered in moss in the colour of ashes, making it camouflage perfectly with the cold, seemingly dead scenery behind it. However, now that I was facing the busy city of the undead, I seemed to completely forget about the old dusty cave we left behind. It was.. it was quite contradictory. The city seemed to go on forever as tall buildings stretched upwards, seeming to reach for the sky.

And yet, I couldn't oppress the shudder that ran through me as I observed my surroundings.

Even though I could notice differently sized vehicles everywhere, and even though I could hear small voices in the distance, and even though I could smell the scent of gas and fumes released by factories and cars, all I could see were the hard cold stone buildings and deformed shadows. The city of the Undead seemed... dead. How ironic.

Heyy so I was planning on writing a much bigger chapter but for some reason I just got stuck in the middle of writing so sorryyyyyy i promise the next chapter will be at least 500 words (this one is 313 words without counting the author's note)

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