Fan Sign, Fan Boy

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Here it is folks. My moment. The chance to meet my future husband, aka Suga aka Min Yoongi.

I had dyed and spiked my hair just for him, just like him. Mint green follicles danced upon my scalp as I made my way down the line to get autographs and chat with BTS.

Even though Suga is my bias, I didn't want to be rude and skip meeting the others, like some fans do.

I went down the line, asked for some pictures and got my album autographed, etc. Suga was second to the end for signing. I was sweating my pants off - I was so nervous! Mostly because Min Yoongi aka RAP GOD was less than a few centimeters away and my heart was racing as my mind tried to come up with a cool introduction. But also because I was one of few fanboys in the crowded conference room. Other fans seemed to be accepting, which was great because I already have haters on my back on a daily because of my sexuality. Still, I felt somewhat out of place or at a disadvantage.

On the flight here I kept replaying the same questions in my head: Will Suga like me? Would he be disgusted? Intimidated? Would he think it's weird that I'm obsessed with his entire existence?

My good friend who is also a BTS fan luckily agreed to attend with me. I mean how could he not say yes to such an invitation?! He was straight, but that didn't stop him from cheering on his favorite (Kim Namjoon) from our spots in the conference room. I don't know why, but some people believe that guys can't be fans of other male celebrities, and if they do it makes them gay. News flash: your sexuality isn't based off of what music you like. Dumb bunnies.

Anyway, I'm making my way down the line and Suga is next. I gulp and slide my album book along the table to land in front of his spot. As soon as I lifted my eyes to meet his, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Ooh my heart raced just gazing at his pink lips curled into a smile; his little nose and his deep brown eyes which tore a whole through my soul.

Suga: Hi.

His deep, raspy voice sends shivers down my spine. Keep it together, Y/N, keep it together. I wave at him and smile shyly.

Y/N: Hi Suga...

Ugh. My whole body felt captured by his gaze. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I wanted to move my body, but his eyes held me down. A grin formed on his lips as he slid my album book towards him and raised his marker.

Suga: What's your name?

I told him my name. I assume he wrote it on one of the album pages along with his signature. I saw to my right that the fan ahead was already moving on, which meant that I should get a move on too. But I just got to him! They don't give us enough time at these fan meets!

I spot my friend to my left. He's smiling and making conversation with Namjoon. He's always so good when meeting people, so well-spoken. I, on the other hand, never know what to say when I first meet someone. I'm so bad at small talk TT

But I couldn't let this moment pass without trying to say something! I didn't get Suga a gift so I didn't have an excuse to accidentally brush hands with him, or fit a hat on his head, or touch his clothes. I want to be a memorable fan for him. So I just ask him the one thing that's in the back of my mind.

Y/N: Am I the first fanboy you met today?

I know... maybe not the best, most exciting question. But I had to say something!

His dark eyes meet mine again, and his lips become slightly pouty.

Suga: No, actually. There were maybe two or three before you- earlier this morning.

Y/N: Oh...

I subconsciously smile and watch him nod and mess with his bangs. His hair is goals. He nods again and I can feel the conversation dying so-

Y/N: Am I the cutest fanboy you've met today?

His eyebrows reach the sky and he adjusts his glasses with a small smirk. Jesus, that smirk.

Suga: The cutest? Mmh...

His eyes look out past me, toward the crowd of fans sitting behind me. I wait for his reply as I watch him try not to smile with his pouty lips. He better say yes or our engagement is off.

Suga: Yes.

Y/N: Aww, yay!

He nods and licks his lips (which almost kills me, but I'm a strong cookie).

Y/N: I really l-love your hair by the way. And those glasses...

Suga: Thank you.

He grins.

Y/N: I dyed mine the same as yours because it's so cool.

Suga: Really? Wow... it looks good on you.

He plays with a strand of his hair on the side of his head while looking at me. Although I feel like I'm talking jibberish, he continues to pay attention to me.

Y/N: Thank you. You think so?

I smile really big. I can feel my flirty eyes working on him, because he licks his lips again. I'm making my man thirsty.

Suga: Yeah. You look great.

Crew member: Keep moving! ~~ The guy told me. WTH give me a minute with my man.

Suga slides my album book towards me then waves goodbye-- but I'm not done!!

Suga: Ah, thank you. Bye.

Y/N: I'm sorry I didn't give you a gift, but I-I really appreciate your music. ~~ I manage to get out.

Suga: Oh, that's okay. Your dedication and love toward us is the gift.

He says matter-of-factly while nodding his head. Sounding like a true sensai.

My friend nudges me at this moment to push me forward. Apparently people can't be patient these days. He had his time to 'kekeke' with his bias, give me my moment!! I scoff at him and grab my album book. But I couldn't go without asking one last question.

Y/N: Suga, before I go, could you do something for me?

Suga: What's that?

Y/N: Blow me a kiss.

I cover my mouth and blush in embarrassment. What did I just ask. This is totally not my character to do these things... what's happening...  >:P

But without hesitation, he does it.

But without hesitation, he does it

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Y/N: Thank you!!!!

[Did this fanboy take advantage of his short time with Suga? What do you think? What would you have said/done differently? Let me know :) ]

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