“On that note I think I should leave.” I forgot Em was even in the state let alone the room. Myk broke out laughing at his statement. “No stay for dinner.” Myk requested to which Em readily agreed to. It was then I notice the tale tale signs of dinner being cooked. I take a long deep breath. “Smells like lasagna and garlic bread.” Laughing, Myk stands at the sound of Brook crying. No doubt she is hungry now. “With extra cheese!” She yells from the kitchen. Em nor I have to be told as we got up to head for the kitchen.  

After dinner we settled in the living room to watch a little television. Football season doesn’t start for a couple more months and there isn’t any boxing matches I want to watch. So I’m absently flipping through the channels while Myk is putting Brooklyn to sleep and Em is lounging on the couch practically asleep. Since the family isn’t with him he most likely will chill in the guest room, like pre-Asia. 

Something on the television catches my eye so I stop. Then partly wished I hadn’t. The news is on and they are, for some idiotic reason interviewing Lillian a.k.a. party crasher and her brother Charles. I turn up the volume to hear clearly. “What the hell?” I hear Em say but I’m far from listening to him.

“So you’re telling me that she faked the whole thing? The ex-husband trying to kill her? That was all a set up?” They both nod their heads in confirmation. “So the law enforcement in these cases are just covering up for her?” Another nod from Charles but Party Crasher speaks up. “That’s right! No one is doing a thing about this crazed lunatic roaming the streets. But poor Jaeson gets thrown in jail for trying to attend a party he was invited to. How messed up is that?” The video cuts back to the Tonight Show where the crowd is booing the video footage. 

“Once again the video we just ran is a taping that was never suppose to see the light of day. An anonyms source sent this video to us.  Lets make one thing clear. Just because we show it does not mean we believe it. This “bubble gum head” girl and her “follow the leader” brother should be locked up and the key should be thrown in a volcano.” The crowd applauded its agreement. “I mean seriously I have met Mrs. Jackson on an occasion or two and the nicest woman you will ever meet.” Jimmy then turns to the camera. “Hey Fifty and Mykaela if you ever want to come on and talk about this you have an open invite.”

I heard a sigh coming from the hallway then she steps into the room fully. “Oh my God my life would just be so much better if she would just drop dead already!” She exclaimed the ending. “Brooks down so I’m going to be too. Goodnight guys.” Myk turns on her heals and walks away. My eyes traveled over to Em, who is writing in his note book, telling me that something just hit him lyrically. I set the remote on the coffee table then stood. “I’m going to sleep too.” Em looks up briefly before looking back down. “Alright. I think I’m just going to crash in the guest room.” I just nod with my back to him heading for my Wife.


 I tried to sleep I promise I did but I kept dreaming of beating the snot out of the Crasher. I mean it seriously consumed my dream. I look over to the clock on Curtis’ side of the bed. Ugh! 2:13 in the morning and I cant get back to sleep. 

An arm around my waist tightens bringing my attention to Curtis. “Cant sleep?” With a huff I shake my head letting out a low sigh. “Would you like some help?” A smile instantly lights up my face giving him the green light. The moment his lips makes contact my entire body is on fire. It elicits a moan as my head tilts to give him better access. The trail of kisses he is leaving behind adds more fuel to the fire. We haven’t been this way with each other for a while now. Even before the accusation and I have to say that I really miss my husband. 

I’m completely aware that Curtis is removing his muscle shirt from my body followed by my blue silk shorts. My anticipation grows with every kiss up my legs once the shorts are gone. He finally reaches my core and glides his tongue over the thin material of the black thong I’m wearing. Causing my fists to grip the sheets for dear life. My breath is coming out in short pants at this point. “Curtis please!” I beg. Just wanting for him to give me the one thing my body cant go without any longer. I can feel him smile into my stomach as he continues to make his way up.

If It's Meant To Be....(unedited)Where stories live. Discover now