Chapter 10- Emotional Moments

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Last time on SANDERS SIDES-The Sleepover Energy Pill.. 

  "Hey guys! Good morning!!" Thomas said with a smile. "Good morning!" Roman exclaimed, "Morning Thomas." Virgil said. "Man, it sure is sunny outside today." Thomas said while they all looked outside the window. "Yeah! It's quite nice outside." Roman exclaimed and Virgil agreed. "Man, This day is too perfect, nothing could ruin toda-" Thomas started to say when all of a sudden Logan came rushing down the hallway with a worried look on his face. "Guys!! You need to come quickly!! Something is wrong with Patton!!" Logan said looking genuinely scared. 


The others had no time to react and they all went to Patton's room and found him lying on his bed sobbing while clutching his knees to his chest. The others tried to comfort Patton but it wasn't really helping. "Patton.. it's okay.. Whatever is bothering you we can help it go away!" Roman exclaimed while worried. The others agreed with Roman while Virgil however, was thinking as he had his hand on Patton's shoulder trying to calm him down. What could be so bad that would make Patton cry?.. He thought to himself. Until it sparked him. Patton always was the type that would bottle things up and smile even if he was sad in fear that he would drag everyone down with him.

"Guys.. I think I know why Patton is crying.. Could.. we have a moment  alone please..?" Virgil asked as he looked like he was disappointed and trying to hold back tears. Roman noticed upset  Virgil was and instantly felt his heart drop. He didn't know why but it upset him so much to see Virgil cry or even seeing him trying not to made Roman really upset. "Of course.." Roman said while nodding. Roman, Thomas and Logan left the room and went to the couch in the living room to sit down and wait. When as they were sitting down Thomas saw how upset Roman was and how he was covering his mouth while also holding back tears. "Roman..? Are.. You okay?.." Thomas asked while genuinely worried. "..Yeah.. I.. Just.. Don't like seeing Virgil so.. Upset.." Roman explained.

Aww thats adorable Thomas thought, but Thomas snapped out of the thoughts and focused on the important matter. Why Did, this bother Roman so much?..  He thought. "I understand how it must hurt seeing him hurting but I promise its not because of you if that's what you're worried about.." Thomas said trying to help. "..No.. Thanks for trying to make me feel better Thomas.. But.. That's not why I am so upset right now.." Roman said with a sigh. "Then what is it..?" Logan added. "..My heart.. It just.. Drops.. Whenever I see him crying or even holding back tears.. It.. Hurts me to see him hurting.." Roman said while closing his eyes as a tear went down his face. 

"..That only happens when you really care about someone.." Thomas said as he smiled at Roman as Roman heard that and looked at Thomas. "I-I.. Guess so." Roman smiled as he wiped the tear from his face. As this heartfelt moment was going on in the living room, Virgil and Patton were still in Patton's room. Virgil took a deep breath in and sighed. "Patton.. W-why didn't you tell me you weren't okay?!" Virgil said as tears went down his face as he put his hands on Patton's shoulders so he could see Patton's facial expressions. "..I-I..I'm s-sorry.. I-I just.." Patton started to say but Virgil started to say something which made Patton stop his sentence. "I Don't want you to feel the pain I go through daily!! It's horrible and It's unbearable!!" Virgil said seemingly aggressive. Patton was scared of him like this and  Virgil noticed the fear in his eyes after. Virgil sighed as he looked down. "I-I'm sorry Patton.. I.. J-Just don't.. Want you to feel this pain.." Virgil said as he broke down into tears.

Patton knew that this was not like him to be emotional infront of anyone, especially him. Patton smiled and pulled his smol emo son into a hug. "..Shhh..Please don't cry..I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. I promise I will from now on.." Patton said quietly. Patton's voice always seemed to calm Virgil when he was upset or having a panic attack, and Patton knew how to calm his smol son. Virgil soon enough was too weak from crying and stopped crying and fell asleep in Patton's arms.

Patton smiled at Virgil and wiped the tears from Virgil's face and his own. That's when a knock was at his door. "Patton? Virgil? May we come in now?" Thomas asked. "..Yes, just be quiet." Patton said as he motioned for them to come in and then made the shhh gesture as they came in and saw that Virgil was asleep in Patton's arms. "..Aww thats cute.." Thomas said quietly as possible. Roman smiled and nodded agreeing. Everyone noticed how Virgil looked so peaceful after he's done crying and then falls asleep. Logan used sign language to ask if they could go to the living room. "..Logan.. You know Patton doesn't  know sign langua-" Roman started to say as he was very shocked that Patton responded with sign language fast and efficiently. Patton signed "Only if the dark strange smol son can come too." And Logan signed "Of course he can come." And they both nodded and Logan used the follow gesture as Patton picked up Virgil and carried him to the living room.

Thomas and Roman followed and thats when Roman noticed how there's only a couch and a chair that wont fit them all for a movie. "Isn't there not enough room for all of us to watch a mov-" Roman started to say as  Thomas snapped as he pressed a button on a remote and the living room wall flipped over and it was a built in huge bed that covered most of the room and  lights came from the ceiling while the lights changed colors slowly. "Wow. Impressive." Roman added.  Thomas, Roman and Logan sat on the bed as Patton was standing there questioning something. "Umm.. Guys?.. Who's gonna hold Virgil while we watch the movie?.." Patton asked because he couldn't hold him the whole time because he still needed to get onto the bed which was hard for him to do with someone in his arms. "I will!" Roman said as he got up and put his arms out so Patton could place Virgil into his arms.

"Okay.." Patton started to say as he placed Virgil in Roman's arms. "He's in your hands now." Patton giggled at his own dad joke as he sat down beside Logan. Thomas was sitting in the middle of the bed and Logan and Patton were on the left side While Virgil and Roman were at the right side of it. Roman carefully sat down with Virgil in his arms and realized he could finally do the idea he's always wanted to do with Virgil as they were preparing for a movie. Roman laid a blanket out onto the bed as he set Virgil down in the middle of it but leaving his head at the top of it. He then rolled Virgil into a burrito form but with the blanket, and picked up the roll form of Virgil and sat down while placing him beside himself while holding the roll tightly. 

The others were questioning Roman for a minute but then realized that it was normal for Roman to try things like this with Virgil. And after all, Roman was just trying to make Virgil comfortable. Virgil woke up and looked at Roman at the same time as Roman glanced over at him. Virgil looked so adorable as a roll that Roman smiled and blushed a bit because of the cuteness. Virgil struggled to get his arms free from the roll but eventually did. Roman thought Virgil was going slap him or something but instead he just hugged Roman and leaned against him as they all watched the movie. Patton glanced over at them and smiled because of how adorable the two were when getting along.

They all  watched the movie and eventually fell asleep. But Roman had plans for the morning. He knew it was the national "Annoy your best friend day" tomorrow. Although all the sides were his "Best Friends", he had to choose one person to focus on for the day. And BOOYYY.. Did he ever have a plan of ways to annoy Virgil..

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