Chapter 18- ..The Long Awaited Decision..

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"...I'm not going back.." Virgil protested with a low growl. "Aww c'mon hun! It'll be just like old times!" Remy insisted, with a small smile. "...I hate those times.." "You didn't always though.." Remy muttered. "I..-" Virgil paused for a few seconds. "I'm not leaving my family."

"What part of this don't you get....?" Deceit bellowed impatiently. "We are your family. They are not. It's not like you BELONG on the dark side or anything..." "No I do not!! I am not one of you, Deceit!" Virgil snapped. "Have you forgotten...?! You are not a dark side!!"

The room went silent. Everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god.." Roman gasped. "Virgil... Is.. Is this true..?" Patton then asked. "Well Deceit as we know, says everything in lies. So if he says something, it is either sarcastic, or.." Logan began to say, looking at the others to see if they understood. "The..Opposite.." Roman finished Logan's sentence.

".....I wanted to tell you guys eventually.. But.. I thought you would have-...Nevermind.." Virgil sighed. "So Virgil.. Seeing that your so called.. 'family', has pretty much rejected you... Where are you going to stay..? Here with the ones who now see you as a monster.. Or with us? Who see you as..-You..?"

Virgil was silent. "I.. Uh..-" "Don't leave here, kiddo! You are still as loved and appreciated as you were before we all found out..!" Patton exclaimed.

"Which wasn't that much in the first place, need I remind you?" Deceit said in a condescending tone.

"So what will it be..."


"I....-" "I- uh-.." Virgil began to stutter, shifting his eyes from the two groups.. The first group, Remy and Deceit.. Sure they had good times, but... Would he really want to experience That Day again....?

"Virge... We-" Patton began to say, being cut off by the other's audible confusion. "hOTTOPIC HOW COULD YOU-" said a dramatic Roman, whilst Logan was having a rant on how he should have seen this coming. "-guys wait, I-" But still, alas to no avail, nobody heard the moral side over everyone's own personal issues. "Guys.. Pat is trying to-" Emilie stated, darting his eyes around the conflict, overwhelmed.

"I-... I get it. Okay...? The- the dreams- the times you all would avoid me after I got back- you all- you fear me...!" Virgil exclaimed between shaky breaths.

The room grew silent, and cold.. Patton thought as this as an opportunity to say his piece. "Virge... N-"  "You- you LIED, to us..! ...Okay?" Roman added, pointing a finger at the darker side. "You're just as bad as him.." Roman's words echoed inside of his head..


You're just as bad as


That was the moment Virgil snapped.
All his feelings, morals, and instincts reverted back to when he was afraid, cold, and more importantly.. Alone.

Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, as they turned cold and grey, his world was shattered.

".....I see how it is... F-f-fine.. You want me gone...? So be it.."

It was almost as if it were in slow motion. Virgil had turned to the Dark Side(s).
"Fair choice, Virgil.." Deceit smirked as he opened the portal to the other side of the mind scape back up, one hand on his, and Remy's backs. Literally and metaphorically pushing them.

All but one side had a cold expression as the purple side looked back once more before the portal enclosing behind him. An expression so genuine, that even the most betrayed side, would ponder even if for only a second... Did they make a grave mistake..?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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