Chapter 22 - Visiting the Revolutionaries

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Luffy's 15, Sabo's 18, Belle's 20

"Hello can I talk to Dragon?" I ask standing in front of a wall that has a snail camera on it but it's well hidden. "There's no use hiding it I already know you're here." I start tapping my foot in annoyance. "You know if I don't get an answer soon I'm going to bust a hole in this wall and find my own way." I say and suddenly part of the rock in front of me moves to the side to reveal the leader of the revolutionaries.

"Finally some movement." I say throwing my hands up in aspiration.

"How did you find out this is where we're based?" Dragon asks with his arms crossed.

"I'm psychic." I say but when I see the look Dragon gives me I raise my hands in a show of surrender. "I'd answer true fully but then you'd think I was insane. You can trust me that I'm the only one outside of any revolutionaries that knows this location. Do you guys not remember me telling you I knew where you base is seven years ago?"

"What do you want?" Dragon asks and I smile at him cheerfully.

"I want you to train me." I say and Dragon's face contorts to confusion before slipping back to an emotionless one.

"No." Dragon says and I pout at him.

"Come on please. I'll tell you stories about Luffy when we were kids." I say and I see Dragon stiffen.

"How do you know that?" Dragon asks and I shrug.

"Same as I know about this place and how I know a couple of other things that nobody should know." I say and Dragon narrows his eyes at me.

"I'll train you on two conditions." Dragon says.

"Okay name them." I say nodding.

"First off you'll have to join the revolutionaries." Dragon says.

"I can do that but only part time. I have other things I still need to do and prepare for." I say and Dragon seems to agree to this.

"Second tell me about my son." Dragon says and I let out a laugh.

"Even the indifferent Dragon can be a doting parent huh? So do we have a deal?" I ask and Dragon nods.

"Yeah I'll train you. Follow me." Dragon says turning around and walking back into the base. I follow behind him and he shows me around the base.

"It still doesn't feel completely right." I hear a voice say and I spot Sabo talking to Koala down the hall that we just turned into.

"You said it felt right before though." Koala says.

"Out of all the other weapons it feels the most familiar but it's still not correct." Sabo says looking at the bo staff in his hands. Dragon stops right in front of them and I give Sabo a questioning glace asking to look at the staff.

"Go ahead." Sabo says handing me the staff and the first thing I notice is that it's incredibly light compared to the pipes we used when we were kids. "Who might this be Dragon?" Sabo asks looking at Dragon as I continue to inspect the staff giving it a couple of twirls.

"This is Nefarious Belle and she's agreed to join the revolutionaries if I train her for some reason." Dragon says.

"The staff isn't weighted properly for you." I say.

"What do you mean? A weapons master created that so it's properly weighted." Koala asks and I shake my head.

"The weapon it's self isn't the problem it's who's using it." I say as I unstrap the sea stone pipe I have on my back.

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