Chapter 5 - Saving Rosinante (Corazon) Part 3

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-Time Skip – A little over two weeks later – Arriving Back at Foosha Village-

As soon as the boat lines up beside the dock Luffy jumps off and starts running towards Party Bar. I shake my head as I quickly dock the boat with Benn's assistance.

"Thanks Benn," I say as we climb off the boat.

"What for?" Benn asks lighting a cigarette as we follow Luffy's dust trail.

"For helping me with my house and everything ship wise." I say and Benn shakes his head.

"It's no problem. It's better to do something than just sitting around doing nothing." Benn says.

"Still I wasn't expecting to get help on my house at any point. I'm way ahead of my schedule now." I say nodding my head in thanks and Benn smiles before pushing open the bar door which was surprisingly quiet despite the fact that the Red Hair Pirates where currently inhabiting it. I soon find out the reason why the bar was quiet, even with Luffy there, when I spotted a familiar man sitting at the bar.

"So where am I exactly?" Rosinante asks as everyone continues to stare at the blonde in shock.

"I got your food for you Luffy." Makino says pushing the kitchen door with her back while carrying a plate full off food. "Ah are you feeling okay? You just woke up didn't you?" Makino asks noticing the blonde.

"I'm fine and yes I just woke up. Where am I exactly?" Rosinante asks again as the pirates continue to stare at him and Luffy moves over to sit on the stool beside him.

"You're in Foosha Village Mister." Luffy says and Rosinante looks at Luffy. I see worry flash through his eyes when he looks at the boy and I know he's thinking about Law.

"Where exactly is Foosha Village?" Rosinante asks and I walk behind the bar to grab myself some food. Makino trusts that I'll make food without destroying, eating, or blowing up anything so she allows me to cook for myself if I wanted to.

"It's in the East Blue." I hear Shanks reply slightly muffled by the door.

"I'M IN THE EAST BLUE?" Rosinante yells in surprise and I hear the sound of a stool hitting the ground followed by a body.

"Yes you are on Dawn Island in the East Blue." Makino says and I finish making my hamburger. I walk into the bar front to see Rosinante laying on the ground staring at the ceiling.

"How did I get to the East Blue?" Rosinante asks standing the stool back up and sitting down on it.

"Were you not originally in the East Blue?" Shanks asks and I can see Benn already looking at me with a did you really look in his eyes.

"I was in the North Blue." Rosinante says and the bar falls silent in shock.

"HOW THE HELL DID SHE SAIL TO THE NORTH BLUE BY HERSELF?" Yassop yells and I'm guessing that Shanks filled them in on the situation when I was gone.

"SHE'S ONLY WHAT... NINE?" Lucky yells and I walk over to where Benn was sitting at an out of the way table as I finish my burger.

"She's twelve." Luffy says laughing and I take a seat beside Benn.

"How the hell did a twelve-year-old get to the North Blue? The only way is to go through the Red Line and that's at least a week trip getting there." Shanks says with a completely shocked expression on his face.

"Idiots, freaking over such a small matter." I mutter under my breath but Benn hears me.

"That they are but they are correct to be shocked. Imagine what would happen if they knew you were sailing through the Calm Belt just the other day." Benn says as the idiots continue to scream while Luffy answers some of their questions. A loud banging noise sounds and the bar falls silent. I turn to look and see that it's Rosinante who caused the noise. His hands are on the bar and he's looking around.

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